Chapter 8

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Konan POV

Konan wakes up cold she looks around and sees obito is not in the bed with her she gets up and walks out the room and into the kitchen she turns on the light and sees obito drinking a lot of water.

Konan walks over to obito and wraps her arms around his waist obito stops drinking and puts the cup down and he holds her hand.

Konan: obito come back to bed please it's cold without you cuddling me

Obito: of course I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you

Obito gets out if konan's grasps and he picks her up bridal style and walks to the room and puts her on the bed and he lays down next to her obito cuddles konan and she cuddles him back.

Konan: obito?

Obito: yes konan?

Konan: are you ok I saw how much water you were drinking you aren't sick are you?

Obito: it's nothing to worry about i just failed use a fire style and my throat burned a little bit

Konan flicks obito on the nose and burrys her face in his chest obito looks down at konan confused to she flicked him.

Konan looks up at him and calls him a idiot she also tells obito he has to be more careful when using jutsu's like that obito says he can't make any promises konan let's out a pout and obito kisses her she kisses him back they separate and then drift off to sleep obito holding each other in there arms.

(3 AM)
Obito POV

Obito wakes up randomly in the night not having a good feeling he has the feeling someone is in the house obito slowly gets out of the bed making sure not to wake up konan and he grabs a kunai on the way out.

He walks in the living room and then activates his sharingan and looks around but it's useless since the only chakra he can sense is the sleeping people in his neighborhood.

That's when he feels something grab his shoulder he jumps back and throws his kunai only for it to hit nothing he scans the room only to sense no other chakra besides his neighbors and konan all of a sudden he starts to hear a voice.

???: your quite agile but your sharingan seems to need more work obito

He hears a voice from behind and turns around to see something coming out the wall he jumps back and grabs the kunai in the wall.

What comes out of the wall obito was just standing at comes out a white being with yellow eyes and green hair the creatures fully emerges from the wall obito sees his full figure and is confused.

Obito: I'm sorry are you a boy or a girl?

Zetsu: no I'm zetsu I'm a white zetsu

Obito: that's not a gender I don't think at least

Zetsu: genders are irrelevant I'm only here to see you obito and I must say you look a lot like him when he was younger

Obito: I'm sorry who's him?

Zetsu: that doesn't matter not yet at least just know one thing that girl will one day leave you to go home to her group she'll fall in love with another and you'll be alone in this harsh world and then and only then you'll be of use to him and he'll bring true peace and prosperity to the world goodbye obito

Obito: wait hold on I'm not done with you yet!

The zetsu smiles and and starts to sink into the ground obito throws the kunai once again and manages to cut some of its skin off obito silently curses and grabs the kunai and inspects the skin while thinking to himself.

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