Late 5K Special

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(hows it going Tony it's me Tony anyways here's this late 5K special let's get rolling)
Obito POV

We start the special off in a dark alley way that's lit up with an office building back door light we see a bloodied up man against a wall begging for his life he's being held there by a man with jet black hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail and his face is framed with centre parted bangs that extend to his chin he wears a black suit with the jacket unbutton under his jacket is a red dress shirt next to him is the guy beating him up another male but this one has short unkempt dark coloured hair and he's also in a black suit but his jacket is buttoned up he also wears a white dress shirt with a red tie.

The reason why he's getting the snot beating out of him is because this man was beaten on one their how should I put it one of their night lady workers and that isn't acceptable these two are Shisui and Itachi uchiha of the uchiha family a yakuza group that's under the ootsutsuki clan shisui goes for another punch but the sound of a lighter stops him the two look over their shoulder to see a tall man in an all black suit with no tie his dress jacket isn't buttoned up along with the first two buttons on his dress shirt this serves as a window to his upper and middle pecks as well as his tattoo which isn't visible cause it's nighttime his hair is black and also short and spiky and on the left side of his face is a scar in his mouth is a freshly lit cigarette this guy is their higher up or their big brother obito uchiha of the uchiha family obito takes his cigarette out of his mouth and blows a cloud of smoke out he then walks up to the two.

Obito: relax shisui your rough to rough use your left hand

Shisui: what but aniki this bastard there's no time for a-

Obito: hey don't call me aniki I'm your cousin call me obito that aniki bullshit is for the rest of the non related people in the family but as I was saying ease up he'll get used to your punches let me show you take a break

Obito hands shisui his cigarette and encourages his cousin to take a hit he does so and obito teaches his two younger cousins something he cracks his knuckles and punches the man with the same force as shisui was his reaction is minimal obito then shows them what they should do the tall uchiha left hooks the man and his teeth go flying out and he coughs up blood and starts begging for his life even harder he then shows the two some combos to do when he used to the left hook but he says he'll show them another time so instead of that obito pulls out a gun with a silencer and he shoots the man in the head killing him instantly blood goes on their faces obito puts his piece away and pulls out a handkerchief he wipes the blood off his face then hands it to Itachi when he's done he hands it to shisui obito takes his cigarette back and tells his little cousins to follow him so he can treet them to some ramen their faces light up bit and follow their older cousin to his car.

The three are in a ramen shop called ichiraku ramen it's not a fancy restaurant as a matter of fact a lot of lower class people eat here but that doesn't matter to them as they were also lower class people at one point plus higher class food is pretty bland they finish their bowls and they order another round Itachi then pops a question to obito.

Itachi: obito why did you show up in the alley what do you want?

Obito: what I want, I want another bowl of ramen

Itachi: obito please

Itachi: fine alright you got me I needed to find you guys to tell both of you there is a family bloodline meeting tomorrow

Shisui: a bloodline meeting tomorrow wow what's going?

Obito: beats me but as you both know I'm not going neither is sasuke because well he's still in school

Itachi: what's the reason this time?

Obito: no reason this time itachi I just don't feel like going is all

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