Chapter 3

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(Five years Later)
Obito POV

Obito starts to wake up in his cell he looks around and sees that his cell mates are already out eating breakfast he gets out of bed and walks out of the cell and to the lunch room his prison uniform is full of holes and tears from all the torture he's been threw for the past five years.

He walks in the lunch and grabs his food the portion of food he gets from the people who sever it is a lot smaller then others the warden says he'll give obito the regular amount food if he gives him details on the sewer system in the hidden leaf he refused and for that he suffered smaller portions of food and more torture.

As obito is eating ruvik taps him on his shoulder obito turns his attention to his friend.

Ruvik: yo obito your eighteenth b day was a few weeks ago right?

Obito: yes why do you ask?

Ruvik: I just wanted to ask what you wanted for your birthday is all and also what you wanted to do

Obito: I want to get out of this prison what I want to do I have no clue apart of me wants my teammates and sensei dead the other just wants to escape reality and live a peaceful life with someone I can love and care about

Ruvik: like that rin girl you told us about?

Obito: no not her I realized back then I was merely a blinded boy playing poker with a bad hand and kakashi had a royal flush

Ruvik: ah I see my friend your moving on not to be rude but that rin girl seemed to mushy for my taste

Obito: none taken

Obito finishes his breakfast and a guard calls his name he sighs and he knows what time it is he follows the guard and into his torture room but this time it's all hot  and a little hard to breathe obito then gets thumb cuffs put on to him and pushed in the room the door closes and the warden starts talking threw the door.

Warden: ya know obito the longer you stay in that room the harder it will be for you to live I'll gladly open the door if you answer a few questions for me

Obito stays silent for a bit he starts to chuckle and then responds.

Obito: not a chance old man listen I have a few problems with some people in my village but I don't have problems with the village it's self ill stay in here all

Warden: we will see about that

The warden leaves obito sits down and his torture begins obito suffered threw some gruesome shit at one point the rain tried to prob his memory but manage to prevent it from his sharingan awaking so that a good thing but the bad thing is he has to wear a tag that prevents his sharingan from activating.

Six hours has passed obito is sweating and breathing heavily his throat is begging for a drink of water even a drop would do his vision gets blurry and he ends up seeing things like his teammates talking trash about him behind his back all of a sudden he hears a explosion and screaming followed by clashing metal he chockes it up to his mind playing tricks on him.

He lays on the floor and tries to grab the tag on his neck with his tongue this tag keeps his sharingan at bay as he's trying to grab this thing his vision goes blurry again the door to his cell opens he looks up to see a angle with a flower in there hair and noticeable orange eyes obito chuckles to himself.

Ah shit guess this heat got to me well at least I don't have to be in this prison anymore hell or heaven here I come have mercy on me lord

Obito passes out from the heat a short while later he feels something wet and cold hit his face he opens his eyes a little to see someone is pouring water on him some got into his mouth and he couldn't have been more happier to be at least a little bit hydrated he fully opens his eyes to see those familiar orange eyes and that flower he finds out the angel he saw was this girl he fully opens the eyes and sits up she stops pouring water on him she then crouches down in front of him he stares at the girl who saved him and can'thelp but be greatful he then hears footsteps him being paranoid he sits up and jumps back and lands in a puddle of blood the girl looks at him and thanks she did something to scare him.

???: wait I'm not here to harm you I came to help you and the other prisoners here ne and my team are the good guys

Her voice seems to comfort obitos nerves a little bit two guys come from behind her one with orange hair and the other with red hair he dislocates his shoulders and cuts off the blood flow to his arms his thumbs then slips out of the thumb cuffs he relocates his shoulders and pulls the tag off his neck his sharingan activates the two guys get in a battle stance so does obito but something grabs his attention he looks behind him and on the ground is his friend ruviks dead body along with rose they died with there eyes open obito closes them and has a moment of silence for both of them.

Obito turns back around to see those three people gone he looks around but can't sense them with sharingan then again he just passed out a few seconds ago so he's not at peek performance he decides to use this opportunity to leave this prison he walks outside and takes a deep breath of fresh air and starts to walk in a certain direction.

Konan POV

Konan yahiko and nagato watch obito walks away from the top of the prison yahiko looks at konan with some disappointment in his eyes.

Yahiko: konan I need you to watch that guy

Konan: huh why me?

Yahiko: your the one who released him he's also a uchiha those guys carry grudges to there graves the leafs war with the stone is over and we don't need another one

Konan stays silent for a bit she sighs and throws some paper in the air making wings out of them she then Flys in the air and says on obito from above.

(End of chapter 3 if there iscany grammar mistakes please tell me and I'll make sure to do better in the future anyways arrivederci)

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