Chapter 12

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Obito POV

Obito wakes up on the floor feeling terrible his head hurts and tries to remember what happened last night he looks at his arm and remembers what happens he struggles to stand up but manages he looks down at his chest but his shirts jacket and gauntlets are back on.

Obito: what the fuck I don't remember putting my clothes back on

Tobi: yeah I decided to put them back on you and because of that me taking full control will be delayed oopsy

Obito: wait you used my body?!?!

Tobi: mhm yup

Obito: fuck it your a second priority konan I need to get to her

Obito opens his door and starts to walk out his house he tries to run but can't and falls but the thought of not being there for konan haunts him he stands up and runs bumping into some people and walls some ask if he's ok he doesn't answer them and just keeps going and others choose to ignore him thinking he's on something.

Obito runs out the village he jumps from tree to tree occasionally losing control of his legs and falling but regains control within a few seconds.

It starts to rain obito slips and he hits his head on a branch landing on the muddy ground he sits up and a bit of blood starts to leak from his forehead it doesn't bother him and he just wipes it away and it lands on a tree and keeps going till the sun comes up.

(Seven in the morning)
Nagato POV

Nagato a red haired boy wakes up in his bed being cuddled by a oranged haired boy he gets out of bed and puts his clothes on he pats the orange haired boys head and kisses it he then walks out the room and heads downstairs to make coffee for the both of them.

As he's making coffee he hears a knock at the door he goes to answer it and he sees konan he gets very excited to see her and he hugs her and gestures her to come inside. 

Nagato: my god it feels like it's been forever since I saw you

Konan: yeah it certainly has been awhile I had to ask the group where you were at they said you and yahiko made a nice little house for yourselves and they point me into the right direction

Nagato: yeah while you were off to go find that uchiha guy me and yahiko ended up finding ourselves

Konan: oh did he put a ring on it

Konan nuges nagatos shoulder and nagato blushes at what konan said she then chuckles and nagato asks her a unexpected question.

Nagato: wait what are you doing here anyways?

Konan: did yahiko not tell you?

Nagato: tell me what?

Konan: he wrote me a letter to come back I was going to tell him that the mission was a complete success and that I was going to go back to the leaf and live there after I got some if my stuff

Nagato: oh are in a relationship with who?

Konan: that uchiha his name is obito and he's so funny cute and sweet

Nagato: sounds nice and you said yahiko gave you a letter let me see it

Konan reaches into her pocket and pulls out a folded up piece of paper she hands it over to nagato and he starts to read it.

As he's reading it his eyes widen and he looks up at konan and he has a worried expression on his face konan looks at him confused.

Konan: what's wrong?

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