Chapter 5

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Konan POV

After her encounter with obito konan has become more intrigued and keeps a even closer eye on him she follows him home.

After awhile of following obito she sees the cabin he lives in the door opens and she see her old sensei Jiraiya welcoming him into the cabin.

she drops down from the tree and walks towards the window she hears that they are talking so she decides to listen in on there conversation.

Jiraiya: I see your training has gone well within a week you've already gotten stronger I'm amazed

Obito: thank you jiraiya

Jiraiya: what's wrong obito your usually more talkative and take off  your hood there's no need to have it up inside

Obito takes his down and a smile appears on jiraiya's face konan also sees the blush and wonders if he was blushing that entire time during there encounter.

Jiraiya: did you meet someone out there that caught your interest?

Obito: yes I did but I would rather keep it to myself

Jiraiya: oh come on tell me who is it is she pretty

Obito: I'm gonna go to sleep

Obito gets up and goes to go to sleep jiraiya chuckles and konan goes on top of a tree to keep a eye out for obito.

(Time skip)

Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months konan has lost track of how long obito was here until one day he comes out of the cabin with a big backpack and saying his goodbye to jiraiya obito starts to jump from tree konan follows from a far.

Obito POV

While jumping from tree to tree obito looks down at the map jiraiya gave to him on the fastest why to get back to the leaf village.

He gets to the end of the woods he's in and finds a frozen lake he looks back down at his map and to his misfortune he has to cross it he sighs and starts to cross the lake.

Obito: I don't think the both of us should be crossing this at the same time one of us could fall

Konan: how did you?

Obito: I sensed you back at the cabin i would've said something but I'm to tired to deal with anything

Konan: well I still have to follow you even if you go back to the leaf vill-

Konan suddenly stops talk obito thinks she just saw something he keeps walking but he gets the six scent to turn around he looks behind him and sees a hole in the ice.

He takes his backpack and jacket off then throws them on the other side of the lake and jumps in the frozen lake and starts to look around for konan.

He gets eyes on konan and swim towards her and grabs her he reaches the surface and pulls konan on to the surface he picks her up bridal style and gets on dry land.

Obito puts konan down where his stuff is and looks at the ice to see blood on the ice obito checks to see if she's breathing and shes not obito starts to preform cpr he blushes and then starts to use mouth to mouth he checks her breathing again and thankfully he succeeded he then uses a earth style jutsu to make shelter for konan and himself.

Obito reached in his backpack and grabs bandages and some wood jiraiya gave him he puts the wood in the middle of the shelter and lights it on fire.

Obito starts to wrap bandages around konan's head as he finishes tending to her wound he notices she's shaking he tries to remember what to do in this situation his face turns bright red when he finally remembers.

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