Chapter 9

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Obito POV

Obito wakes up in his tent with a massive headache he tries to remember what the hell happened and what the hell he was doing when he remembers he's on a mission.

He gets out out of his tent and the sun hurts his head even more but he pushes pass the pain and packs up his tent as he's packing up the others start to come out of there tent and do the same except rin she just looks at obito with sympathy in her eyes.

Obito puts his backpack on on then rin walks over to him and hugs him from behind obito quickly pushes her away this gets everyone's attention.

Obito: the hell are you doing

Rin: I was giving you a hug

Obito: I didn't ask for a hug

Rin: well I thought

Obito: you thought wrong next time don't think

Rin: well last night you seemed like you could've used a hug

Obito: shut up you annoying bitch I don't want your damn sympathy or pity

Obitos words leaves everyone speechless and rin on the verge of tears she walks and starts to pack up her stuff obito puts his hood up to get the sun out his eyes and he walks away and heads towards to place the wedding is supposed to be held at.

Obito walks deep into the woods the others behind him anko catches up to obito with a angered look on her face she tries to smack obito on the back of the head but he doges the hit with ease.

Obito: I can't help but notice that your angry

Anko: no shit jackass you know what you did back there was a dick move

Obito: I don't care

Anko: well she does care about you

Obito: no she doesn't no one cared when I was gone for five years if someone did they would've at least tried to find me

Anko:...listen obito rin is a fragile girl I'm just saying don't go off on her like that don't push her away because she does care about you I'm sure she wanted to look for but...I  don't know the exact reason but I'm sure she wanted to

Obito: some people deserved to be pushed away

Obito walks ahead of anko while looking down and he starts to device a plan when he gets back to the village he wants to go threw some files in the hokages office specifically files that were on the war obito looks up for a bit to see a big mansion infront of him he looks behind him and she is amazed about what she is seeing.

Anko: wait we get to stay in this place for this mission awesome

Obito: must be a pretty important wedding but I'd expect there to be more shinobi here

The gate to the house opens and they all walk onto the premises and enter the home a butler offers to take there stuff to there rooms and they allow them to then the groom and the bride walk downstairs to greet them the bride has blond hair and blue eyes and a smile on her face the groom has black hair and brown eyes and he seems worried.

Mariah: thank you all for showing up you have no idea how much this means to me and yuki

Yuki: yes thank you please let us help you get set up in your rooms

Mariah: oh honey the helpers can do that for them we still have planning to do for our wedding let's go

Mariah grabs yuki and she runs off with him two butlers and two maids approache the group the maids take the girls to there rooms and the butlers take the boys to their rooms.

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