Chapter 4

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Obito POV

We see obito walk threw the woods of the rain village it's been a few days since he left the prison and been awhile since hes eaten he holds his stomach and looks around for something to eat out the corner of his eye he sees a deer he crouches down and stealth walk towards it he hides behind a bush he moves some branches out the way he flashes a handsigns and summon whatever chakra he has left.

Obito raises his hands and lighting starts to build up in between his hands he gets the deer in his line of fire he takes a deep breath and fires.

The lighting bult obito fired misses and the deer gets away he sighs with frustration he stands up not only is he hungry but chakra depleted he continues his walk his vision starts to get blurry from being to exhausted but he does see a bit of hope a cabin is up ahead he speed walks towards it and sees a man with long white hair inside with the little strength he has left he walks up to the door and knocks on the door then passes out from exhaustion.

Jiraiya POV

Jiraiya one of the tree legendary sannin is enjoying a cup of tea he's in the rain village to give his students a visit and is curious on how there group the akatsuki is doing in there mission to bring peace to the rain village he takes a sip of his tea then he hears a knock on his door he puts his tea down and walks over to the door and opens it.

A long black haired boy falls face first onto his floor jiraiya looks down at the boy and crouches down and pokes him on the back of his head but he doesn't wake up jiraiya notices the prisoners outfit he has on and his inmate number D4C he also realizes the scars he has on his back he turns him over and he sees more scars on his arms and probably more on his chest.

Damn this kid must've been threw some hell whatever prison he went wasn't to kind to him he also seems pretty starved maybe I should make him some food and probably a change of clothes.

(A few hours pass)
Obito POV Again

Obito starts to regain consciousness by the smell of food nearby he sits up and sees he's in a bed and sees some food on a nearby counter he picks it up and starts to eat it.

Obito finishes the food and gets out the bed and explores the room he's in as he looks around he sees a picture of that group of three people that let him out of his cell and there's also a man with long white hair holding up the peace sign behind them the man seems to be in his 50's but obito has his focus on the girl in the picture his nerves feel at ease again like in the prison his heart starts to feel weird so he puts the picture down and goes to look at something else.

Obito comes across a desk and sees paper and a pen normal items you would see on a desk what caught obitos eye was the erotic writing on the pages he picked up the page's and starts to read them he moves a pice of hair out of his face and just now noticed how long his hair gotten he makes a mental note to cut it later but he wants to see the page's first.

(A few minutes of regrets later)
Jiraiya POV Again

Jiraiya makes his way back to his cabin to check on obitos well being he also got the boy some new clothes he walks in his cabin and into the the room where obito is staying in he opens the door and sees obito reading his manuscript he drops the clothes and takes the page's from obito

Jiraiya: what the hell do you think your doing kid you just read people's work without there promission you weirdo!!

Obito: me a weirdo what kind of shit are you doing in here old man!!

Jiraiya: it's called being a author!

Obito: a author more like a damn hen-

Jiraiya stops obito from saying that sentence and takes a deep breath and puts his manuscript back on the table and gives obito his clothes he leaves the room so obito can change.

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