Chapter 6

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Obito POV

Obito lays down on his bed exhausted from all the cleaning he just did as he's laying there he starts to think about konan and where she possibly could've went.

Obito gets up and decides to go take a shower he gets in the shower turns on the water and the water hits his face and starts to think to himself.

Maybe that paper butterfly was her way of saying goodbye I hope it wasn't I wish to see her again I don't know why but I feel a comfort when she's near I don't want to admit it but I think I've fallen in love with her.

Obito finishes up his shower and gets out he then starts to dry himself he walks to his room and puts his outfit on since his old clothes that been left here don't fit him anymore.

He sees a picture of his grandmother on his night stand he picks it up to look at the old photo him and his grandmother always had the best connection seeing her leave this realm was worst then the torture he experienced in that prison.

He puts the picture down and leaves his home to vist his grandmother's grave he sits down in front it and starts to talk to her about how he couldn't vist her since he was imprisoned for five years he continues talking to his grandmother's grave.

As he's talking to his grandmother's grave he gets the six sense that someone is watching him from the woods behind him he gets up and uses a teleportation jutsu and teleports onto a tree he looks around and sees no one but he does find a paper flower on the ground he picks it up and gets a bad feeling since this flower was familiar to him and the smell of this flower had konan's sent all over it.

Konan POV

We see konan tied up and her mouth gaged by a piece of cloth she looks around and sees she's in the middle of a dark room with a chair in front of her she then hears a door open and a blonde haired man and women enter the room with two anbu behind them.

Minato: listen tsunade there's two ways to do this my way and your way I fear for what your way might be

Tsunade: we already discussed this being hokage means doing any means necessary to protect your village even if you have to get your hands dirty

Minato and tsunade walk up to konan minato takes the cloth out of her mouth he then sits down across from her konan gives minato a bit of a death stare but it doesn't phase him.

Minato: I can tell by that look in your eye you want me dead but try as you might it won't work that rope is special it's made from a special type of silk the aburame clan gave us its quite usef-

Tsunade: minato you ramble to much hurry up before we do my way

Minato: listen why are you here I can tell your not from this village and why where you stalking a member of the uchiha clan?

Konan: that's none of your business

Minato: look listen I won't be mad just tell me if that guy hurt or killed someone you dearly care about I'll take care of it and I'll make sure he makes amends with you just got to cooperate with me what do you say?

Minato smiles a reassuring smile konan looks at him and nods her head no minato's smile fades away and gives her a look of sympathy he gets up and tsunade gets the message minato then leaves the

Tsunade: you really should've listen and cooperated say bye to your innocents girl

Before konan could say anything tsunade puts the cloth back in her mouth tsunade snaps her fingers and the two anbu walk towards her they take her robe off and try to rip her clothes off she struggles and prevents them for ripping them off for a bit but eventually they tear them off.

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