Chapter 11

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(The sun is setting)
Kakashi POV

Kakashi stands in front of the destroyed hokage building he also looks at the other destroyed buildings that the people are rebuilding he walks towards the hokages building and sees his friends looking at it as he walks towards them he over hears a conversation between two shinobi that someone with long black hair did this.

Anko: man this will take forever to rebuild

Guy: what happened here?!?!

Shizune: a terrorist attack

Kurenai: but from who maybe the mist?

Asuma: no the mist and leaf have no beef maybe the stone is trying to start something again?

Anko: don't be stupid last time the stone fought us they got there ass handed to them maybe the sand or the cloud

Rin: not the cloud both villages are on good terms after the war ended

Kakashi: it was none of them I over herd some shinobi apparently some guy with long black hair did this

Rin: so the uchihas?

Asuma: whoa wait that's quite the accusation not to mention obito is a uchiha

Guy: yeah and I don't think those guys would attack there own village unprovoked

Shizune: but the uchiha clan are the only people that have long black hair and could possibly do this much damage

Anko: you can also do this much damage with a box full of explosive tags it could be someone trying to frame the uchiha

The group make up a bunch of theories while rin and kakashi watch they both look at each other and they both walk away from the group.

Rin and kakashi walk around the village together and end up at there favorite tea shop they sit down inside and order some tea they sit in silence until rin says something.

Rin: what if obito caused that destruction?

Kakashi: what?

Rin: what if it was obito I mean he's angry at me you and sensei maybe this is the way he's getting back at us?

Kakashi: no no way obito wouldn't do something that rash he's pissed but he wouldn't attack his home

Rin: yeah your right...anyways I'm gonna go home it's getting late

Rin gets up to leave but kakashi grabs her hand she turns towards him and blushes kakashi looks her in the eyes and tells her to be careful he let's her go and she walks out the shop flustered.


Rin is walking home but as she's walking she gets a feeling she's being watched she looks behind her and sees no one but she walks faster.

She reaches her house and looks behind her again to see obito slowly walking towards her with something on his back she hurries and opens the door and slams it but obito grabs the door and opens he walks into her house and rin backs up and obito closes the door behind him.

Obito: now that's no way to greet a friend now is it

Rin: w- w- what d- do you want o- o- obito?

Obito: now now rin don't worry I'm not here to hurt you physically or emotionally I'm here to make amends

Obito puts his backpack down rin looks at the bag scared obito opens the bag and pulls out a black and white baby kitten with a purple bow tie and rin is surprised.

Obito: here take him he's all yours

Rin: what's the catch?

Obito: there's no catch I don't want anything from you I just want to apologize

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