Chapters 10

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Obito POV

Obito and konan are on top of the third hokages head looking down at the hokages building they both see minato and tsunade leave the building they both look at each other and they both put masks on obitos mask has black flames on it and konans is a paper bunny rabbit konan throws some paper in the air and makes wings for both her and obito and they both glide down to the building.

Once they land on top of building they put chakra on there feet and walk down the wall they find a window obito pulls out a kunai and forces the lock to open they go inside and shut the window they both find themselves in a closet obito opens the door they both walk down the hall and they run into some guards before obito could react konan wraps there throats in paper the paper tightens around there throats and they pass out she let's them go and obito looks at konan surprised.

Obito: damn remind me not to get on your bad side

Konan: told you not to underestimate me

Obito and konan keep walking down the hallway eventually reaching the hokages office they do run into a few other guards but obito left them a bloody mess konan tries to pick the lock but obito just kicks the door open they enter the office and start looking threw the filing cabinets but only find files about casualties and plans to over take stone shinobi outpost and low and behold he finds files that have plans to save captured shinobi during the alliance between the stone and rain.

After awhile of searching they find nothing which angers obito but doesn't show it but konan can tell he's mad so she comforts him by patting him on the back which calms him down and she figures something out that might make him happier.

Konan: I know we didn't find what your looking for but we are in the hokages office and a opportunity like this can't go to waist.

Obito: w- wait wait are you suggestion we ya know right here right now on the desk?

Konan: yeah why not I can tell your frustrated so let's take that frustration away

Obito: I mean I don't have a- holly shit babe your a genius

Konan looks at obito confused and he starts to search the desk not finding nothing at first but then find a secret compartment under a drawer with two scrolls he looks at one and sees the year written on the scroll is dated back to the war obito opens it and he reads it and starts to clenche his fist he puts it on the table and laughs.

Konan: what is it?

Obito: I knew it I fucking knew it, it was a personal attack on me it was from my leader he wanted me dead so his clan would look better

Konan: oh obito I'm so sorry

Obito: it's fine I get it I was a weak kid I made my clan look like trash so I get it if I was my clan leader I would do the same I have to apologize to my team I'm such a dumbass

Konan and obito are about to leave but obito looks back at the desk konan and obito look at each other and they both want to look in the other scroll they walk back to the desk and obito is about to open it but a filing cabinet gets thrown at them but they both doge it in time they look at the door and see tsunade standing there.

Tsunade: ya know I forgot my sake here and I wanted to get it back but appears my night has gotten more interesting

Obito and konan don't say a word but are just in shock about how much force tsunade put into throwing that cabinet but they get into a fighting stance and prepare themselves.

Obito kicks the desk at tsunade but she breaks it with her fist but obito appears in front of her and manages to kick her into the wall konan wraps tsunade in paper and they run out the office but tsunade gets out of konans paper easily and throws the broken desk at the two obito doges the part thrown at him but he sees konan is obito to get his he pushes her aside and takes the his for her.

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