Chapter 7

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Obito POV

Obito is in his house on his couch reading a book that jiraiya gave him called icha icha then konan walks in the room and lays on his chest he lifts his book up and sees konan smiling at him obito smiles back.

Obito: what's up?

Konan: nothing I just wanted to see what my boyfriend was doing

Obito: well its kind of obvious your boyfriend is reading a book and my name is obito

Obito goes back to reading the book konan let's out a small pout but gets a idea she lifts up obitos book and gets closer to him obitos face turns a light red.

Obito: hey what are you-

Konan: just hold still obito

(A little bit of fluff coming up)

Konan leans in and kisses obito, obitos blush goes away and he kisses konan back putting the book on the floor konan trys to get on top of obito but obito turns the table and gets on top of her he pins her down to the couch.

He holds her hand and starts to kiss her neck she let's out soft moans and she uses her other hand to run her fingers threw his hair his bulge is up against her women hood konan and obito start to get in the mood but it's ruined by a knock on the door obito let's out a pissed off groan and gets up to answer the door konan then goes to his room so she doesn't get spotted by the person obito answers the door to see one if his friends anko

(End of fluff)

Anko: damn I herd you was back in the village but I didn't believe it till now it's good to see you obito

Obito: ohh anko it's good to see you please come in have a seat

Anko walks in and grabs a chair and sits down obito sees konan peeking her head out and he gestures to go back in thankfully anko didn't notice obito then goes to sit down on the couch.

Obito: so what can I help you with?

Anko: well I came here for one of two reasons one is to see if your actually alive and to let you know lord forth knows your alive since I think it was either kakashi or rin who told him and he wants you back as a shinobi

Obito: I see well ill think about going back and speaking of going back you should go back home or something

Anko raises a eyebrow and is confused since she's never seen obito act like this but she does know that he's experienced god knows what in that prison.

Anko: but I just got here and plus I herd you back handed kakashi is that true?

Obito: yeah yeah it is it was good seeing you can you leave now

Anko is about to respond but she then notices the brusie on his neck she starts to laugh and she puts her arm around obitos shoulder and pats his head.

Anko: pfffft oh obito you sly dog I didn't know you had a girlfriend my bad if I knew I wouldn't have come here I probably got in the way of something you guys were doing that hickey on your neck says it all

Obito: y- yeah she's coming over in a bit and I wanted to be alone with her and you being here might give her the wrong idea

Anko gets up and leaves his home telling him to use protection to tease him after a few seconds konan comes out the room and sits next to obito and puts her head on his shoulder.

Konan: so you thinking about becoming a shinobi again?

Obito: to be honest yeah I want to support us and being a shinobi pays well

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