#13 Head in the Dark

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"Can anybody tell me what becomes of the essence of dragonsnap when ingested by flobberworms?" Snape raised an eyebrow at the missing hand in the air and was both relieved and thoroughly annoyed at that fact.


"Oh, surely our resident know-it-all would have the answer to that, professor." Draco said while twirling his quill lazily, letting it float in the air inches from his nose. He couldn't help but seek attention the only way he knew how, oblivious to how hateful and childish it was, a habit that the Gryffindor seemed to have picked up.

Hermione hadn't been expecting this. They'd been bantering on and off, but after their earlier encounter, she hadn't expected him to take a shot at her.

She met Snape's eyes as he looked at her expectantly, "I-I... There's a- oh I know this!" She fumbled over her notes and came up with the answer, "It becomes an essential ingredient in the creation of a potion for courage." And in a softer voice, she added, "Something that some of us clearly lack."

The low blow took Draco by surprise, but of course Hermione didn't mean it the way that Draco immediately perceived it as. She simply meant that he wasn't brave enough to face his feelings or their friendship, but he felt as though the air had been knocked out of his lungs because her words echoed his own sentiments about himself. He has been a coward, running away from his problems instead of facing them. He needed to make a choice and stop being a passive force in his own life.

The silence that followed was emphasized by both Draco and the professor's lack of snark. It was unfamiliar and nothing the class was used to. Clearly, there was something off about the exchange but nobody, save for one Harry Potter, could put their finger on it.

In Draco's defence or in an act of pure ignorance, Pansy said loudly, "Sounds like the mudblood just lacks manners."

Hermione jumped at that attack and turned around, "And some of us should learn to read. I can't be the only one with all the answers."

The ferocity in her words bit and Snape cut in gleefully with, "Ten points for being intolerably disruptive."

Draco gave Hermione a grin when she swivelled around to glare at him. He was simply taking the longer route to winning her friendship back. Also, he wanted to make sure that the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor stayed in the dark this time.

She still hadn't given up completely and he met after school hours in her office, going through details that they both already knew by heart. Dumbledore seemed to be absent quite frequently, but there's nothing to suggest that it has anything to do with the Dark Lord.

"This isn't inappropriate at all," Draco yawned. All he wanted was to be in bed, but instead, he was summoned to Professor Selgentar's office.

"I think you should keep a closer eye on Potter. He seems... preoccupied. Don't you think?" She twirled a lock of her dark hair while considering something.

"I don't know... He has always seemed a bit dull and slow to me."

"Draco!" She rapped her knuckles on her desk, "We're not here for you to moan about your teenage rivalry. This is of utmost importance to the Dark Lord."

"I understand. But there is nothing I can do. That bridge has burned."

"Has it?"

Draco answered her with a sullen silence as she made her way towards him, slinking like a cat.

"I don't think so."

"Ugh, you can think whatever you want, professor. I can't change the truth."

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