#32 His Choice

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"He could be anywhere." Draco said, rushing out of the tunnel and exploding into a garden hedge. Hermione sent spells whizzing into the bushes, flicking revealing spells everywhere.

"We need to get out of your estate," Hermione said breathlessly, "she said she didn't want to alert anyone–"

"Yes, yes, I heard her!" Draco shot back, impatient and quite frankly, scared. He knew what it was like to sit complacently as the Dark Lord tortured people over his family dining table and expect his cruelty. He knew how to conduct himself as a Death Eater, how to compose himself when dealing with the Dark Lord. But what he was doing at that moment was unlike anything he had to do before. He was running from the Dark Lord in an attempt to undermine him. It chilled him to his core because for the first time in his life, he didn't know what to expect.

"We're on the edge, the wards naturally give way when I approach them." He explained, noting her silence.

"Are there any cabins or caves nearby, outside?" Hermione asked, figuring that Delphini wouldn't have just left Harry right on the edge of the estate.

"Didn't you hear? 'He's here,' she said. Here. He has to be close." Draco retaliated sullenly.

"I doubt she was aiming for accuracy. If she's anything like her father, she would have a flair for theatrics." Hermione answered.

Draco stewed in silence as directed her towards the darkness that stretched away from the manor, sparing one quick glance at the crypt that felt eerily still.

Dumbledore's sudden appearance elicited a scream from Delphini, who was so focused on the man she called her father and brimming with emotions.

"What is this treachery?" Voldemort screeched as he ripped through her mind to find secret plans or conspiracies.

"There is no treachery, Tom," Dumbledore's voice boomed deeply, "except for what you have wrought upon yourself. You betray yourself... chasing after glory and power... but it's never too late to turn back..."

Voldemort cackled sinisterly, "Ah, Dumbledore, always preaching about redemption... and love." He spat the last word as if it dirtied his mouth.

"Love brought Delphini here," Dumbledore stated, matter-of-factly.

"I don't need a daughter or the love she bears," Voldemort snapped,

"Your daughter's love could redeem you," Dumbledore said gently, wondering if perhaps he might feel something... though, the wizard had long ago suspected that Voldemort's conception under a love potion made him quite immune to feeling it himself.

Voldemort scoffed, "She has indeed been a good servant." He lifted her by gesturing his fingers in mid-air and Delphini floated towards him.

"Give me a chance to prove myself, father, I can be worthy of you." Delphini said without struggling against the magic which bound her.

"Make him kneel." He commanded, gesturing at Dumbledore by angling his head towards the wizard.

"Gladly," Delphini said with a smile, gripping her wand and levelling at Dumbledore who didn't even lift a finger.

"Imperio!" Delphini shrieked, pushing Dumbledore down with her will. The headmaster got down on his knees and looked serenely upon the duo.

"Delphini, I'm unaware of your circumstances, but your value comes from yourself... you don't have to be who your father is." Dumbledore said.

"Silence him!" Voldermort hissed. There was no hesitation as Delphini exerted her will on Dumbledore, sealing his lips.

"Father, he's strong..." Delphini said through gritted teeth, feeling how Dumbledore was fighting the curse.

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