#28 Lucky You

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Draco was under the impression that it would just be the two of them in the Room later that day, but Harry was there when he opened the door. Their last interaction fresh on his mind, the Slytherin slunk into his corner and propped his feet up with a book, clearly waiting.

Harry didn't seem to care that Draco wasn't interested in engaging him and confronted him with a, "You could have told me about Snape."

"And what have you done with that information? You haven't got the brains to put two and two together." Draco drawled from behind the drapes, peering sneakily over the top of the book he wasn't even pretending to read.

"What do you mean by that?" Harry answered, disturbed and confused all at once.

Draco stood up in one fluid motion, setting his book down as he did so. "While you're busy pining over Hermione, you didn't even notice that she's got feelings for the Weasel."

"I don't pine–" Harry started to say, but was rudely cut off by Draco who was coming closer now.

"Save the denials for someone who might actually believe them, Potter." He hissed, looming over him and the homework Harry had spread out.

"I haven't got the time, nor the energy, quite frankly, for any of your propensity for teenage romance–" at the sight of Draco getting ready to speak, he quickly interjected with "–anyone with eyes knows about you and Pansy–now, in case you haven't noticed, Voldemort has tried to murder me every year since I've been to Hogwarts... Where would I even find the time?" Harry retorted, hoping that he didn't know about Cho, while craning his neck to maintain eye contact with the Slytherin whose face was now inches from his.

"Easy, just stop coming then." Draco said sarcastically before straightening and looking at the door as if the conversation bored him.

"Don't take your frustrations out on me when you're the one who fancies her."

"I do not–" The words were out of Draco's mouth before he could stop them but Harry was ready. He reflected Draco's earlier words back at him.

"Save your denials, Malfoy."

At that, the Slytherin slunk into a nearby couch, lacing his fingers together and balancing one calf on a knee.

"Myrtle told me that Selgentar called Professor Snape a traitor before she left Hogwarts," Draco drawled after enough time had passed.

"So I hear," Harry replied.

"If she thinks he's a traitor, he must be on our side, then." Draco only just noticed a fireplace and he glanced at it confused. "Where do you think the smoke goes?"

"What do I know, it's magic, isn't it. Eager to dump your burdens on an adult, aren't you?"

"Why are you so temperamental?" Draco sighed, sinking deeper into the couch, "Why do you feel the need to shoulder all responsibility?"

"Because Harry can't help but take matters into his own hands," came the reply as Hermione's bushy head appeared, a wry smile on her lips. "Glad to see the two of you getting along."

"We weren't..." Mumbled Harry, whose eyes immediately went to Draco. He saw exactly what he expected to see, Draco standing up and greeting Hermione as jubilantly as a Malfoy could. There were equal parts of arrogance and delight in his face as he appraised her.

Then, they shared a look that made Harry queasy.

"We were just talking about Snape. Draco here thinks that we should tell him all our plans and invite him into our little anti-Voldemort-brigade." Harry said with a sneer. It was so unlike him, but he chalked it up to spending too much time in the toxic fumes of a particular Slytherin.

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