#19 The Snake Squad

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"So," Ron took a tentative step forward, "Are you the hero that's going to save us all from You-Know-Who, then?"

Draco steeled himself to meet Ron's blue eyes.

"Better you than me, you reckon? Wouldn't get two steps–"

There was a loud "AHEM" which jolted Draco out of his tirade.

"You heard him," Ron lashed out at Hermione, "He isn't going to help us, he wants to kill us."

"When did anyone say anything about offing you lot?" The exasperation in Draco's voice was clear. "It's Dumbledore I've been told to deal with. Any of you here a bearded old man?"

"Forgive us for not being terribly trusting," Harry said coldly, "You've threatened to kill me numerous times, as recently as last year when I landed your dad in jail!"

Gray eyes flashing, Draco proclaimed angrily, "That was before he burned his mark into my arm as punishment. Did you really think he meant for me to succeed, Potter?" The Slytherin spat, a darkness has come over his features now, something that Hermione had not witnessed for many months.

"About as useful as a chocolate teapot, aren't you?" Ron piped up, "Finally noticed you're on the wrong side now? Or waiting for the chance to run back to mummy in order to save your own skin?"

The three boys were standing now, taut and tight as if waiting for a string that's holding them in place to break free so they could spring on one another. Hermione watched from the sidelines, eyes wide with anticipation, biting back the words to calm them down because they needed to have a go at each other. They needed to get everything out in the open where it could not continue to fester and poison. They needed this. 

"Must look good from where you're sitting, around the piles of homemade pies and knitted sweaters." Ron looked flabbergasted that Draco did not say 'rags and hand-me-downs' though the opportunity presented itself so prettily. "How does it feel to have parents who shield you from the Dark Lord, rather than parade you like a trophy?"

The three Gryffindors were shell-shocked at what they were hearing. Hermione simply didn't think he would unveil so much of himself, but the two boys were absolutely gobsmacked.

"We could have a go at each other and call this alliance a folly, or we could work together on a need to know basis." Draco finally said, when it was clear nobody else was going to break the silence. "You don't have to trust me to help me."

Hermione gripped her hands tightly, waiting to see how her friends would react to Draco. Finally, Ron swiveled around and started clapping his hands softly, "I'd say, what a stunning performance. I see how you were suckered by him, Hermione. Doesn't leave us much of a choice, then, does it?" Ron turned his gaze to Harry who nodded slowly.

"You've misunderstood completely, we all have. He's only ever wanted to be your friend." Hermione piped up, sounding exasperated. Her statement garnered a scoff from all three boys and they eyed each other warily, oblivious to Hermione's slightly guilty expression. She didn't want to have to play this card because it was a card from Draco's own pocket, one he guarded fiercely enough that he never admitted it to her. But nothing escaped her sharp eyes or uncanny ability to draw the right conclusion.

"We've all misunderstood how he had Buckbeak killed, then? Or every other thing he's done–" Harry began. Ever since the events last term, he had become more resentful. Harder. Like he was reflecting the growing war.

"But she's not wrong," Draco breathed, his words ringing out loud and clear. Hermione drew her eyes to a close. Not at the gentleness or the defiant protectiveness in his voice, but because she could hear his fragile heart.

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