#18 Welcome The Calvary

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As expected, Ron didn't take to Hermione's new friendship too kindly. He had a few choice words for her, such as dimwitted and gullible, though he threw in a few adjectives that both Harry and Hermione were surprised to hear coming out of his mouth.

"You're absolutely mental if you expect that we would be sitting with him for lunch!" Ron spat, spewing bits of blueberry pancakes at his two friends.

"Don't be silly, Ron. He's in Slytherin." Hermione said with a small pleased smile.

The two boys exchanged looks before Ron started bombarding Harry with how that snake managed to poison both him and Hermione, to which Hermione commented snippily about how if one of them were to be under some kind of enchantment, "It very well wouldn't be me."

"And we're sure he's going to kill Dumbledore?" Ron asked between mouthfuls.

Fed up, Hermione slapped his hand down onto the table, "Haven't you had enough? He's not going to kill the headmaster, he's been ordered to. In case you didn't notice, there's a difference."

"It doesn't make any difference to me. If he's the one holding the wand, he doesn't stand a chance. It's Dumbledore, we're talking about." Ron's brow furrowed.

"Hermione, are you–"

The girl stood up stiffly and glared through slitted eyes, "I've had about enough. I'll be at the library. You're welcome to join me when you've gotten over your immature disdain for Draco."

Ron seemed to turn green at Hermione's turned back, "Disdain?" He looked at Harry for help, "She does remember he's tried to off us multiple times, not to mention, we fought his father at the ministry, and... and..." Ron's voice trailed off at Harry's darkening expression.

"And he's the reason Sirius is dead. I don't care what Hermione says about how I ought to have put more effort into my Occlumency lessons. If he hadn't appeared with that bloody hag and the Inquisitorial Squad..." Harry speared a piece of pie belligerently, causing it to crumble and his fork to scrape unpleasantly against the plate and emit a high pitched squeak.

"Hermione might be the brightest witch that we know, but we also know she likes broken things," Harry said in a hushed voice, as if he didn't really believe what he was saying, but he was saying it anyway in an attempt to satisfy the ugly beast that lived in the hole in his chest.

Ron looked on quizzically and Harry answered his silent question, "House elves? Gilderoy Lockhart?"

"Victor Krum?" Ron added with a snort, "Smart as she is, she can be quite dense, sometimes."

She was a danger to her convictions, and if she set her mind to something, there was no undoing it, because if there's anything that Hermione hates to be, it's being wrong.

Displeased at the thought, Harry scanned the Slytherin table and being unable to find the loathsome Malfoy, a deeper resentment grew. Knowing where Hermione often disappeared to did nothing to mollify his nerves. On the contrary, it only made him mad with unease and his brain felt like it was on fire.

The picture of them sitting side by side in the library was seared into memory. He couldn't forget the way Hermione smiled. A gentle expression, with a hint of shyness. Harry had never seen Hermione smile like that before. But worse than that was the look on that stinking Slytherin's face! The contempt and malice that often lined his face, causing him to look pinched and pointed, was replaced by unbearable tenderness. It boiled Harry's blood to think about it. What right did he have to look at her like that after years of verbal abuse, the flippant use of Mudblood, and nasty tone he always took with her?

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