#27 Hermione's Confession

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That was the second time this week someone had mentioned Professor Snape. Draco was beginning to wonder whether he should have accepted his help when he offered. He allowed his feet to bring him back to the dungeons, but he was hesitant to knock on his Head of House's office door. He couldn't find the words to articulate exactly what he wanted to say in order to obtain the information that he so desperately wanted.

What did Professor Selgentar want from you?

What is she doing at Hogwarts?

Why did she call you a traitor?

Who was your Gryffindor friend?

"Professor," Draco had finally mustered the courage to push open the door to find his head of house sitting at his desk, marking essays.

At the sight of Draco, the professor set his quill down and beckoned for him to sit with a small tilt of his head.

"Have you finally come to your senses, Draco, and are you here to accept my offer?" He looked as he always did. Stern and cold. What would he say if he knew he had befriended some of the professor's most hated students?

"Unfortunately, no, sir." Draco said as he took a seat.

"Pray tell, to what do I owe this pleasure?" There was no amusement or curiosity in Professor Snape's cold dark eyes.

"I was wondering if you knew what happened with Professor Selgentar? Her departure was... abrupt."

"To say the least," Snape agreed, "But why the sudden interest?"

"I thought I was becoming something of a favourite of hers," Draco said after considering his options, "And I was merely curious as I would have been if you were the one that had vanished overnight."

Snape, having known Draco since he was a young lad, scrutinised his expression while stating slowly, "I understand that she has some... unfinished business, elsewhere... I also understand that she has been... collecting information... You claim you have become a favourite of hers, Draco, so I must presume that she has said something to you in confidence... What is it?"

"She doesn't confide in me anymore than you do, sir." A sly smile on his lips as he noticed the professor's change in demeanour. Two can play that game. "Has she done anything you found... suspicious?"

Something close to a smile appeared on Snape's face as he leaned in, "My boy, you said so yourself, I do not confide. Now, do you have something to tell me? I can help you."

Just as Draco was about to say more, a certain bespectacled green eyed boy flashed in his mind, saying in a holier than thou attitude, "That's your problem, Malfoy. You always expect adults to handle everything."

The words came out harsher than Harry had said it, but it was how Draco remembered it. He got up and politely declined, biding Professor Snape a good night before he strode away, biting his lower lip as he went. Biting back all the words like he'd been taught to.

Back in his dormitory, he clutched the Galleon in his palm till it grew warm and every time it did, he would open his hand and glare at it. Willing the words to appear but nothing ever did. He was beginning to worry, wondering if he had done something wrong... Somehow he managed to fall into a fitful sleep until Crabbe had the good sense to prod him awake for afternoon class.

Seeing Hermione sitting in class completely oblivious to the torment that her silence has caused Draco made him pause in the doorway, harassed by a torrent of emotions. Anger was easy to identify, Draco was not used to feeling inconsequential. He wanted to stride up to her and demand why she hadn't responded to him, why he had been completely cast aside, but he couldn't seem to move his feet.

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