#37 Epilogue

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When Draco held the Time Turner in his hand, his mind raced to find a day where he might be able to see her again. He didn't know how powerful this new Time Tuner was because, as far as he was concerned, Time Turners weren't capable of changing what had happened... despite Delphini's story saying otherwise, with multiple different timelines and possibilities. Perhaps if he had taken the time to think about it, he might have been able to change everything, but he just wanted some extra time.

The perfect day came to him and he spun the Time Turner. Since the entire timeline would be erased when he returns, it doesn't matter if anyone realised what had happened. He just had to make sure he got the infernal device into Delphini's hands.

He stood for a moment in the Atrium, composing himself and tucking away the fresh wave of pain that washed over him. He wouldn't be here if he had no other choice. If Hermione were still alive. At that thought, he perked up somewhat, because she's not dead yet. On the contrary, she's alive and well, though she might be a little miffed.

A small sad smile crossed Draco's lips. He would happily take a hundred sad Hermiones than none.

He walked consciously towards Hagrid's hut, the place Hermione had admitted she escaped to when she first saw Ron and Lavender lock lips because there was nowhere she could run to much further than the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Slinking in the dark, glints of moonshine reflected off his hair and clothes, haunting a girl he wasn't ready to let go of yet. He was a ghost, stealing a moment for himself, a slice of forever he would forget tomorrow.

A lopsided grin broke on his face as he warred with the despair and anticipation for the two Hermiones that existed. One lived in his mind while the other was making her way down from Hogwarts castle.

Hermione knew she shouldn't be out on the grounds so late at night, but everyone else was partying still and if Professor McGonagall learns that she was out of bed, well, she would first have to deal with the entire Gryffindor House.

She was a little more than agitated. She was confused, with conflicting emotions raging within her. Why did she care who Ron chose to snog? It wasn't as though she was interested in snogging him herself, she just inexplicably didn't want to see him with anyone else. Maybe it was selfish, but she couldn't stand picturing the two together. When she thought about Ron's arms around Lavender, she wanted to vomit and cry at the same time...

The icy air she breathed did seem to soothe the turmoil within her, it also reminded her of a particular scent punctuated with patchouli and the ocean breeze. She thought back to the day in potions, how Amortentia smelt so strongly of a different boy and she knew she should be less upset, so why was she acting so devastated?

Scoffing a little to herself, she wiped the tears from her eyes and gazed at Hagrid's hut. The warm glow was awfully inviting, but now that she was able to think more coherently, she didn't think it was such a good idea to barge in unannounced, looking like a madwoman.

Just as she was about to turn back to the castle, the wind was knocked out of her by a warm, lithe body barreling into her and a pair of arms encircling her into a crushing embrace.

"Hermione," he breathed. It was the last voice she had expected to hear.

"D-draco?" She stood with her arms by her side until it got too awkward for her and she patted him consoling on his back. He seemed like he needed it.

"Um, are you okay?" He was squeezing her so tightly that she couldn't really breathe and her breathy voice alerted him to relax his hug.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Draco couldn't stop himself from smiling and he knew that it would likely confuse Hermione but why did it matter? One stolen moment wouldn't change anything.

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