#26 Myrtle's Discovery

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"Er, professor?" Draco hesitated, being early for Potions wasn't something he made a habit of, but with the quest entrusted to him, he decided to take a new approach.

"Ah, yes, Draco, was it?" The professor asked with a smile, tinkering away at his workstation and dividing ingredients into various piles.

"I was just wondering–" Draco broke off expertly, interrupting himself smoothly, "Are we brewing an antidote today?" He blurted out the words as if he was enthralled by what the potions master was doing, which had exactly the effect he wanted.

"Why, yes!" Professor Slughorn exclaimed happily, "A Slytherin who knows his stuff."

"Unfortunately bested by a Gryffindor..." Draco said snidely, pleased at the opening the professor gave him.

"Now, now... These rivalries are pish posh... One of the most talented students I've had was a Gryffindor, and a muggle-born to boot!"

"Sounds like someone we know," Draco supplemented, "Don't get me wrong professor, if anyone were to win your contest, it would've been Granger. She's the best witch in our year." There was a hint of pride in his voice and Professor Slughorn stopped what he was doing to appraise the boy before him.

He seemed to weigh his words carefully before he finally opened his mouth again.

"The talented Gryffindor I had the pleasure of teaching also had a friend in Slytherin," he said with a sad smile.

"A Slytherin, you say?"

"Not just anyone," Professor Slughorn said mysteriously, delighting in the boy's eagerness, "Your head of house, Severus Snape."

Taken aback, Draco faltered for a split second before recomposing himself, "What? Professor Snape had a friend in Gryffindor? A mud-gle-born?" He righted himself before the derogatory term left his lips, right eyebrow raised so high that it disappeared into his blond locks that fell across his forehead.

"Yes, yes, they were my star pupils and regulars of the Slug Club. And don't act so surprised, the very founders, Salazar and Godric, were good friends when they founded this school..." The professor reminded, keen to impart some of his knowledge.

Draco was dying to know who Professor Snape had been friends with, but he had to stick with his objective so as to not lose the professor's attention. He smiled brightly while struggling to steer the conversation into the right direction, "I've heard of your parties, my father speaks highly of them. It's unfortunate you haven't resumed them..." At this point, a few other students had joined the class and Draco dropped his voice in order not to be overheard.

"No... In light of recent events, I think it best to put it on hold for now." The professor said, suddenly cold and detached.

"Well, between you and me, a few of us are having a small gathering at the Room of Requirements right before Christmas break, and you were the only professor we thought to invite." Draco said softly, adding an air of intrigue and mystery to the invitation.

"Oh, is that right? And who would be at this gathering?" The professor asked, chest puffed out as the blatant flattery went to his head.

"Only some of the brightest minds in Hogwarts," Draco said cockily.

"Curiouser and curiouser... And how might I find the Room of Requirements?... If there isn't anything needing my attention... I might..." His response was fragmented and sporadic, as if he was warring with himself. His head slightly cocked as if exercising a good amount of willpower to withstand the temptation of his own curiosity.

Draco explained how to enter the room, but insisted Professor Slughorn go with him as he wouldn't be able to find the place if he didn't know what he was looking for. Absolutely beguiled at this point, the professor agreed.

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