#9 Misery Loves Company

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"Hi, Draco."

They had taken to sneaking minutes between classes in vacant classrooms for a quick laugh or a chat – there was something so exciting in seeing each other like this. Flushed with the adrenaline of evading the rest of the school and feeling bubbled up in their own world. Almost as though the run in with Harry had never taken place. Almost.

"How's our jealous little friend doing?" Draco asked, smirking as he picked at her books and pored over her notes absentmindedly.

"He's not jealous – you know the reason why he's so–"

"It's probably due to the stick up his–"


"I was going to say back. A ramrod straight back. Can't take a joke. No room for humour."

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him, "Be that as it may, he is entirely entitled to being–"

"A pansy." Draco interjected gleefully. "Harry Potter, the boy who is really a girl."

Hermione jumped at the opportunity: "What is going on with Pansy? Did she strike a nerve with her chat about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"

The final sentence slipped out before she could stop herself and all she could do was wait to hear his reply.

"First of all, I doubt it is any of your concern–"

Before giving him a chance to finish, Hermione quickly took control of the conversation, "Then I don't see how it is any of yours how Harry is doing either."

There was a bite in her voice that was never there before.

"Then why don't you spend more time with him, rather than dodging shadows with me?" He hissed back and made his way out of the classroom. It wasn't how it was supposed to go at all. The laughs and playful banter had given way to something serious and heavy and he wasn't pleased with how it turned out.

What was it about women?

"I suppose I will," came the scathing reply, not a moment too late as he was just within earshot, but he missed the next few words as the blood rushed into his ears.

Draco was not about to lose sleep over that snobbishly opinionated little girl. Girls always become more trouble than they are worth, making a fuss out of thin air and losing their minds over virtually nothing. He will not have any of it!

The Slytherin stomped around the schoolyard, not wanting to return to the dungeons and surrounding himself with the same old boring crowd. Least of all Pansy, who would be lurking in the common rooms, waiting for a bit of his attention. He continued sighing and banging his feet on the bricks of Hogwarts but could not seem to find a suitable place to brood.

"What is the matter, Mr. Malfoy? That's the third time I've seen you go past." An unpleasant voice asked.

"Never you mind." Draco grumbled without looking to see who it was.

"Five points for rudeness." Professor Selgentar said, to his displeasure.

Draco was too conceited and heated to fight for his house points and sulked off, but he had only taken a few steps when the young professor beckoned.

"Wait," She said in a honeyed voice.

He had half a mind to ignore her, but her sudden change in demeanour stopped him. He figured it wouldn't hurt to spare one bloody half look over the shoulder and he did. Barely even catching her in his field of vision, focusing on the floor instead and he waited for a heartbeat.

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