#20 Igniting Lies

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Draco was especially vicious the next day, calling Harry out for apparently, "being so ugly, your mom begged You-Know-Who to end her misery."

Then he tripped him and asked if his head was "getting too large" and if he needed a walking stick, because if so, there's one up his behind that he could benefit from.

The torment followed Harry into Hogsmeade and when Hermione tried to step in Draco took the opportunity to snarl, "Oh, look, he's sent his little girlfriend to do his dirty work – how long are you going to hide behind girls, Potter? First, your mother, now this m-mudblood." He stuttered at the end, given Hermione's history of violence, he didn't think it was particularly smart to insult her directly to her face. Especially when he was entirely within arm's reach, but his irritation at Harry gave him a boost of courage to utter the foul word.

"What's gotten into you, Draco?" She hissed, concerned. Seeing her kindness and the curiosity of his goons creeping up behind him, he backed away from her as though he repulsed her.

"Nothing's wrong with me. What's the matter with you?" He said it as though he couldn't believe she had the audacity to address him and she was stung by it, although she put on a brave face and continued staring after him.

Ron rounded on his two friends and made a rude gesture behind the Slytherin's back and gave Hermione a look that said, 'See? Friend my arse.'

"He's probably just stressed out," Hermione said in retaliation to Ron's derisive expression.

"Or maybe he's just a tosser."

"Ron!" Hermione watched as Draco whispered to Crabbe and Goyle before doubling back and disappearing from view. She knew what he was going to do and it made her blood run cold at the thought that something might happen to him. What if he got caught? What if he touched the cursed object?

All her fears were unfounded, as the parcel never found its way into school grounds. At Hermione's incessant nagging, the three of them found themselves hiding outside of the Hog's Head where Hermione was certain Draco was headed for, until a familiar face appeared.

"What are yeh lot doin' down 'ere?" The gruff growl was unmistakably Hagrid's, whose bushy mane bore down on them.

"Looks like yeh've been busy, too busy to see an old friend or take their classes..." He trailed off before picking up, "Suppose yeh have a new hobby now, spyin' and sniffin' 'round places yer not meant to be... Now come along with me..." The Care of Magical Creatures professor – it was odd to think of Hagrid as a professor, especially since neither of them were taking his lessons now that they've made their electives - beckoned to them and it took the three a while to straighten themselves out as their limbs and thighs were stiff from holding them up against the wall of the pub. 

They trudged after Hagrid who guided them to The Three Broomsticks and ushered them into a booth.

Harry seemed to struggle for a big before blurting out, "Malfoy's up to something–"

"'Arry, Aurors are stationed all over the place, Dumbledore's reinforced security not just in Hogwarts, but all over Hogsmeade. Nothing dark or dangerous would find itself anywhere near a hundred miles of here. Yeh best focus on yer studies. Sixth year is a big year." Hagrid nodded his giant head and slopped down three butterbeers and a firewhiskey.

"She isn't likely ter admit it, but Professor McGonagall stuck out 'er neck fer yeh she has. Yer on thin ice with Professor Snape, an yeh'd do better revisin' rather than playin' Auror if you ever want ter become one." It wasn't like Hagrid to nag, but he seemed to be more preoccupied than anything, and none like his cheery old self.

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