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16:57 - "unwelcomed"

"i still can't believe you're soulmates with the star couple and told taehyun but not me. i thought we were friends, hyuka. i'm so heartbroken- ouch, babe. i'm just kidding!"

"you can't keep your mouth shut, so it's just right to keep you in the dark."

it's been—what?—five or six years, yet taehyun and beomgyu are as youthful as ever. still the same couple that kai's murky memories remember... except beomgyu's hair is incredibly longer now, and taehyun's blond hair has faded.

"i've been busy with family and work, so it slipped my mind," kai reasoned. "aaand i won't deny the fact that i was worried you'll end up telling yeonjun hyung and soobin hyung. unintentionally!" kai had to add a follow-up word upon seeing the pout on beomgyu's face.

taehyun dropped his head on the empty cafe table, their buzzer still yet to call them for their drinks. "our finals are coming up, and do you know what that means?"


"that!—and also: it'll be our last year in university next year."

beomgyu chokes in air, he's coughing. "that is if i don't have to retake a term. i think i failed a class this semester."

"good luck with that," kai murmured. as much as he feels sorry for the older one, he has his own problems to worry about. "i'll be in my first year this year. ugh, my classes will be filled with wild kids."

"it's not too bad. at least it lessens the possibility of you bumping into yeonjun hyung and soobin hyung," beomgyu said, making a great point. he stands to get their drinks after the buzzer went off, and it left taehyun and kai alone in the table.

taehyun looks at kai with a reprimanding look. "the soulmate pull will get stronger now that you're in seoul."

"i know, but it's worth to try."

"you'll always find each other," taehyun shook his head, and the cafe door opened to welcome two familiar people hand-in-hand. "see?"

kai tries not to look, but from the strange feeling in his stomach, and the tingling sting from his mark, he knew who arrived from the moment they stepped in. he sees beomgyu run to them like an overjoyed puppy, and hugged the taller one among the two—he definitely forgot about kai's worries when he points at their table after, for what it seems like, being asked who he was with.

"that happened quicker than i thought," taehyun held kai's hand and gave him a fond look. if anyone, it's taehyun who has at least a rough idea of how kai is feeling. he could only imagine the panic when beomgyu starts approaching their table with guests—dare he says—unwelcomed.

"i don't think i can do this. i'll leave-"

"huening kai?"

yeonjun and soobin are here, and kai is paler than anything you can compare him to.

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