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16:10 - "aching"
c // lots of kissing

curse growing a wisdom tooth. kai always loved his perfect teeth, but having an extra bone in his mouth at the very end of his gums is just painful. it keeps biting the soft skin of his cheek, in turn making it difficult for him to eat. although he was lucky that he didn't need surgery because it's growing correctly—thank goodness its doing what its supposed to—he still feel the aching of his gums and teeth.

it's like they're adjusting, and the only way to ease it is a damp cloth that kai kept nibbling to ease the pain.

"i got my wisdom tooth in high school, but i had to get it removed," taehyun was there to see the pitiful scene. "at least you don't have to go through that, hyuka. i remember searching everything up before going to the dentist and i was imagining everything real time."

kai didn't feel any better. "i want something cold. can i?"

"you have a s- oh, now you have a slight fever. how cute! you're like a baby growing his milk teeth!"

taehyun was shoved out of the room. needless to say that kai was not having it with him right now.

he raised his hand to meet his neck and forehead—warm. even his breath, it's warm. he was now actually sick; this cursed tooth is the trigger. that's not even the worst part because last night was a challenge to sleep with a throat that feels like sand paper rubbing against each other. it was a perfect way to top everything off!

he won't admit it, but kai was so close to crying.

a full day of being stuck in his apartment is a wish come true, but if it meant being sick, kai completely breaks down.

he was never the best to taking care of himself. being the son of a loving family, when he's sick, he's treated like a prince. there's going to be food waiting for him when he wakes up, instead of him having to either order something or build up nonexistent strength to make himself a proper meal; medicines are there in an instant, unlike how he's clueless of what he should drink; and he's showered with so much love and care, definitely not the same with how cold his apartment is right now.

it was lonely. kai hated being sick and realizing he needs someone to take care of him, because he was grown. he should learn how to do this and that when he's near passing out—okay, maybe not to that extent, but take it with a grain of salt. kai also hated how he just wants yeonjun and soobin with him in times like this.

his soulmates, even though can heal him up real quick, just couldn't be there with him right now.

"still busy? i miss you, hyungie," kai whined through the phone when soobin picked up. he was the only choice since yeonjun turns his phone off at work.

soobin sighed across the line. he missed him, too, but he can't just drop everything for that. he had an important meeting to attend, but maybe he can cancel all of his schedules after dismissal. "still busy. you should have seen yeonjun hyung earlier, he was a busy bee—running around offices that he even got to ours."

"isn't his across the street?" kai asked in adoration.

"yeah. hyung was never the type to do surprise visits, it's bothersome, so i thought a co-worker of mine got sued."

embracing fate // yeonbinkaiWhere stories live. Discover now