Chapter 39

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Two hours later, Astrid has a bandaged wrist and a minor concussion and I have a properly wrapped up leg and recommended bed rest. Then I sat in a bath for a while, soaking in the warmth and scrubbing off all the dirt and blood. I honestly felt like a new man after getting cleaned up and slipping into new clothes. I'd have to fix up my armor later on. After meeting back up with a well rested Toothless, we go search for Astrid. I try to avoid vikings as I sneak over to her house. I need to call for a village meeting and I want her with me. Everyone has the right to know what has happened but I'm not ready to share about Patch. I climb up to Astrid's window and jump in. Toothless waits outside for me. I walk over to her bedside and find her fast asleep. I feel bad for waking her because she looks so peaceful. I can tell she also had the great idea of taking a bath because her face is dirt free and her hair is slightly damp. I rub my hand up and down her arm to slowly wake her up. She stirs before groaning obnoxiously.
"Asssttrriiiiiddd," I whine back.
"I have to call a town meeting. I need you with me pleaaassssseee."
"Ok I'm getting up," she mumbles looking over at me, "but then we go back to sleep."
"Deal." I smile at her and lean down to kiss her cheek.
"Love ya."
"You better," she responds as she gets up and brushes her hair with her fingers. We make eye contact and she sighs.
"You ready?" She asks.
"No." She smiles in a sad way and I do the same.
"Come on dragon boy, before I cuddle under the blankets and never get up again," she says as she stands up and pulls me to my feet.
Then we walk through the village showing my face for the first time since I've been gone. Everyone follows as we all walk up the steps to the town hall.


Sunsets are beautiful off the shores of Berk. Every shade of orange, yellow, red, and pink reflect off of the ocean. The waves seem like they're sparkling in agreement to the colors bouncing off of their surface. The water is more alive and bursting with colors. One thing is for sure, I will never get used to watching the sunsets. It's the sun's way of saying goodbye until sunrise the next day.

The meeting took two hours and I successfully survived it. Not many questions were asked and no one gave me a new task to do yet. When that was all over I climbed on Toothless and we flew to the other side of Berk without telling anyone where we were going. I needed time to be stuck in my thoughts without worrying about what's around me. So here I am on my favorite cliff on Berk which looks out to sea and has the perfect view of the sunset. I've probably been here for an hour so far and no one has come looking for me, but I'm not worried. If I was needed for an emergency then Astrid would know where I've flown off to. She knows I love this spot. In fact, she calls it my "thinking cliff." I smile at the thought.
I've been thinking about Patch and how he'd love it here. It would've been amazing with him here. His personality would have been great for the village. But he's not and he never will get the chance to ride a dragon. We were so close! If we would have left right away then none of that would've happened. But I can't change anything now so I have to look on the bright side, or the slightly good thing about this mess. Before I can stop myself, I'm opening my mouth to speak.
"Hey Patch." There's obviously no response and I kinda feel stupid for doing this but I can't stop.
"I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for all that crap that happened to you. I'm sorry that we were so close. Im sorry that you died. I'm sorry that I didn't have the courage to tell your story in front of everyone. I'm sorry that I'm apologizing so much it's just... I.. Even though we only knew each other for three days, in those moments I felt like I had known you all my life. And you may not have been my brother by blood, but you were and still are my brother by heart and there is no way I could ever forget you. Tell your sister that I say hi, heh, and um I hope you like it up there. And um, hi dad. Take care of those two for me. I have no idea if you two can hear me but I guess I'm just wishing that you can." I sigh and get up to my feet and hop up onto Toothless's back.
"Bye Patch," I say as the last drop of sun disappears into the ocean. Then Toothless and I take off into the night sky full of stars.

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