Chapter 26

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We creep up the stairs with caution. Patch has his bow ready with an arrow, and I'm not far behind him. We reach the top and before I can breathe a guard runs in front of us with a sword at hand. Patch fires the arrow without hesitation and it connects with the mans heart, killing him before he hits the ground with a thud. I focus on the scene around us as we step out of the dungeon. It's still night, but the light from a near fire lights up the village. I concentrate more on the place of the fire and can see the burnt shape of a weapons shack next to the dungeon entrance. The fire engulfs the shack as men try to put it out, confused to what could've caused it. Shouts erupt all around us caused from the chaos. Before I can ask, Patch grins.
"Explosive arrows. My little invention," he says under his breath. I grin from the excitement in Patch's eyes. He must be loving this.
"Come on."
He grabs my wrist and we sprint forwards towards the tree line. Halfway there he arms his bow and fires at a few guards running after us. My heart pounds as we break the tree line, sprinting through the trees. Suddenly Patch takes a left and I follow. He stops in front of a tree and reaches behind it.
"Why, are we, stopping," I ask in between breathes. He reaches behind a tree.
"I think you'll be needing this."
He pulls out a weapon and drops it in my arms. It's an ax. I smile at the glint of the metal, finally happy that I'm no longer completely defenseless. I admire the designs etched into the handle making it look quite elegant. I toss it from hand to hand, impressed by the light weight feel.
"Thanks," I smile as I make eye contact with him. His eyes faintly show pain but is quickly replaced with confidence. He nods with a smile.
A shout in the distance redirects my attention to the trees. I can see the faint glow of fire in the distance coming from the village.
I'm squinting through the trees when suddenly I hear a snap.
"Look out!" Patch yells as he pushes me to the ground. A dull thud comes from above me.
"We have to move, now!"
Patch pulls me to my feet and before he shoves me forward I see the shape of a knife stuck in the tree right where my head was a second ago. Then the next thing I know we are sprinting once again. I hear the all too familiar laugh from behind us.
"You can run but you cannot hide from me!" I hear an evil low voice shout towards us. The chief. He must have thrown that knife. We keep dodging the sound of knifes slicing through the air. Then Patch grabs my arm and we turn to the right. Suddenly our feet slip from under us as we slide down a small hill covered in leaves and mud. We hit the bottom and keep running.
"I have to lead him away from the meeting place where you'll find hiccup. Keep running  straight until you come to a huge oak tree with a rope hanging from the branches. Wait there," he tells me through his heavy breathing. Before I can say anything he takes a sharp left and shouts as he sprints through the woods to get the chief's attention. I listen to his instructions and continue forward.

Ooooooo!!! It's getting good! So excited for the upcoming chapters! OMG I'm literally fangirling over my own fanfic^_^ Please let me know what you think about it so far.

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