Chapter 8

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I shove my arms forward to stop it from hitting my face. I fall backwards onto my back and grunt. The creature is snapping and growling and trying to get ahold of my face. I can't see anything and desperately hold the creature back.
"Ahhhhhhh!" One of its claws digs deep into my arm.
"Uuggghhhhhh!" I try to rip its claws from my left arm. I finally remove it's claw from my throbbing skin and throw the creature far from my body. I hear it growl in frustration and I leap up on my feet, wincing as I put pressure on my right leg. I see the dark creature a few feet away from me. It's about as big as half of my body and it's definitely a dragon. I don't think I've ever seen one like it. The wings are small so it can't fly very high, but it's teeth stick out of its mouth and it stands on four legs. I can't tell what color it is because it's so dark. It looks ferocious and it is definitely not looking for a friend right now. I see the dragon about to pounce again and I stretch my arms out. Right when it leaps into the air I see a flash of blue and watch as the dragon is hit with a powerful plasma blast that throws it backwards. It growls but flutters away in defeat. I quickly turn around.
"Toothless!" I limp towards the wide awake dragon. He smiles at me all goofy and greets me with a lick to the face as I collapse onto him.
"Toothless! Thank Thor you woke up!" He grunts in reply and smiles as he drenches me in slobber. I scratch his head and lean against him.
"I wonder what kind of dragon that was? It sure didn't look happy. I could have sworn it wanted to eat me which is weird because dragons don't attack you unless you're a threat to them." I didn't look threatening right now. I looked weak and defenseless. I look up and notice the night sky start to fade, a sign of dawn. I limp over to collect my canes and limp back to give Toothless some water. When I sit back down my left arm erupts in pain. I shout and clench my fists. I look at my left arm and see a rip right above the elbow. It's bleeding pretty badly. I forgot about my arm when I saw Toothless, but now the pain is demanding to be felt. The pain is worse than it should be. It feels like it's on fire! I frantically rip apart my sleeve and pour water over the wound. It burns. I shout and lean back against Toothless. He is looking at me with worry in his eyes and licks my face. I can't focus on him any longer as another rush of pain shoots up my arm. I scream as black dots blur my vision. Then my vision blackens and I sink once again into nothingness.

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