Chapter 5

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It's a slow process looking for Toothless with a shattered leg. I'm searching around the area where I woke up. He couldn't have gone far. I still remember  being on his back while we were falling. We must have split apart at the very last second.
"Toothless!" I shout again and again but I never get a response. My leg hasn't gotten better in the last hour but I'm so used to the pain that I barely notice the throbbing sensation. I try not to think about it as I maneuver around fallen trees and boulders.
I've almost circled around for the second time when I notice something I didn't see before. A little ways off in the distance the tree level shifts. Oh how could I be so stupid! I hurry over to find a steep hill descending a hundred feet down. "Toothless!" I shout. It echoes in the distance but I get nothing in return. I look around for a way to get down and see the cliff level a little bit to the right. Just enough so I can slowly make my way down. I limp over and look down. It's still really steep. The hill is covered in leaves and mud. This is just great. I sit down and think. My only option is to gradually slide down the hill and hope to Thor that I make it down with no new injuries. I hold the canes in one hand and start inching my way down. I suddenly slip on mud and loose control of my speed. Halfway down I see a drop straight ahead of me, and I have no idea how steep it is. Crap! I'm going to fast to slow down! I lay down and brace myself. I feel my feet slip over the edge of the drop, pulling my body with them. I sharply inhale as I'm falling through the air and land with a sickening thud. I scream in agony as my right leg explodes in pain. I roll over and scream into the ground. It won't go away. I try to think of something else, anything else to help the pain! Astrid. What is she doing right now? Is she looking for me? She's probably furious I broke my promise with her-ow! Thor it's not working! I sit up and look at my leg. It looks the same as it did before the drop. My tailbone now throbs from breaking my fall off of that cliff that was maybe 10 feet high. I have to move and find Toothless; I can't waist anymore time. I reach for my canes and thank the gods that I didn't lose them. I stand up, accidentally putting the tiniest amount of pressure on my leg and scream. Spots blur my vision and my body feels weak. I urge myself to get a grip, wipe the tears from my face, and I move forward.

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