Chapter 16

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The next time I open my eyes the cave is lit by fire. My sight isn't as foggy as before and it's not as hard to keep my eyes open. I look around and spot a campfire in the middle of the cave. Astrid is no where to be seen. I wiggle my arms and find my strength returning. It's definitely not completely back, but it's enough to where I'm able to move my upper body without much effort. My leg feels better and even looks better. The remedy must be working. I lean upwards and put weight on my arms. I croak out a raspy "Astrid." Then my vision blurs and my head starts to throb again.
"Woah dragon warrior, take it easy," Astrid demands as she enters the cave with a few fish in her hand. She sets them down and rushes over to me. She gently pushes me back down and lightly kisses my forehead. Then she goes back to the fire to cook the fish. Toothless sets his head by mine and licks my face gently. I pathetically rub his head with my arm and rest it down.
"Glad to see you feeling a little better. Are you up for some food?" She asks. I moan in reply. Food is definitely not on my mind right now.
"Hiccup you have to eat. Here." She comes over with a cooked fish and drops a small piece into my mouth. Then she gives me water and more disgusting remedy stuff. Then Astrid sits down next to me and gently rubs my forehead as she stares at my face. After a while of her staring intently at my face, I tilt my head,
"What's wrong?" I manage to faintly whisper. Man, I sound horrible.
She stares at me for a few more minutes until finally answering.
"Remember that very first time you saved my life? You prevented the Red Death from eating me and then you caught me in the air. Then there was that time you revealed yourself to Alvin the Treacherous when he started yanking on my hair. Then there was that time you caught me before I hit the ground when Snotlout made the catapult misfire and almost hit me. Then there was all those times you saved the village from the screaming death, and Dagger, and Alvin. That time you figured out how to prevent the lightning from hitting Berk. Then the whole deal with Drago Bludyvist, and you saved the entire village. You were also the only Viking to combine our world with the dragons. My point Hiccup is that the village needs you. I need you. I'd be dead if you were never there for me. Berk would be gone if you have never lead us through those times."
I focus on her face now more than ever. She thinks I'm going to leave everyone, leave her. Her eyes start to tear up and I know this next thing is hard for her to say.
"You can't leave us after everything that has happened, after everything that you've been through. Hiccup you
can't-" A single tear falls down her face and I bring my hand up to her cheek to wipe it away. She leans against my hand.
"I know this sounds pathetic, but Hiccup I'm scared,"
"Shhhhh, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here. I'll never leave you. "
She smiles and kisses me hand.
"Come here." I whisper. She leans down and I lean up to meet her lips halfway. We kiss slowly but passionately and she breaks the kiss to lay down next to me. Then a wave of nausea picks the worst time to hit me and I pass out. Again.

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