Chapter 13

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Authors note:
This is a long chapter;) Hope you like it!

"Hiccup!" The voice shouts.
I listen more carefully.
"Hiccup! Hello? Anyone? Please!"
I can tell the voice belongs to a girl. I signal to Toothless to stay and step out into the rain. It's pitch black and the rain is really pouring down. I limp forward.
"Hello?" I shout into the rain.
"Hiccup?" The girl shouts back. Wait, no, I know that voice.
I start sprinting forward. Tree branches whip my face as I run blindly through the rain in complete darkness.
"Astrid!" I shout into the rain.
"Hiccup! Hiccup is that you?"
I'm running as fast as possible, not paying attention to the throbbing in my leg.
"Astrid! Astrid where are you?" I scream as I sprint forward. Then I slam into something and I'm thrown backwards. I hear a shout and then I'm on the ground wincing in pain as my leg erupts in pain. I sit up and see a figure move a little in front of me. "Um, Astrid?" I say hesitantly. The figure freezes and jumps up on his or her feet. Then it runs towards me and I try to get up but the figure jumps on top of me. "What the-"
I recognize the voice right away and wrap my arms around her.
"Astrid! Oh my gods how in the world did you find me?"
"Hiccup I'd never thought I'd see you again!" I feel her shake against me and I lean her head back to kiss her. I missed her so much. She kisses me back. I pull back from her lips. "Wait Astrid where's Stormfly?"
"I don't-" Suddenly a dragon bursts out of the trees and squawks at us. Astrid jumps up and raises her arms.
"Stormfly! Woah easy girl it's ok!" Stormfly recognizes Astrid and nuzzles against her.
"Hiccup come on let's get out of the rain." She says to me through the pouring rain.
"Toothless is waiting in a cave a little ways back that way," I point.
She reaches her hand down and I grab it pulling me up. But as soon as I put weight onto my broken leg I shout and fall back down. The adrenaline rush is wearing off and the pay back for running on a shattered leg is hitting me at full force. Astrid's eyes instantly fill with worry and she jumps towards me.
"Hiccup what's wrong?"
"It's - my leg. I - broke it," I manage to get out as my leg erupts in pain.
"Oh my gods Hiccup! Can you get up? Come on get on Stormfly." She helps me up and I hop up onto Stormfly. My vision is blurry and my head is foggy. Astrid jumps up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist.
"Do you know where to go? Hiccup please we need to get to that cave you need to try and focus." I'm swaying back and forth as Astrid holds tightly onto my waist. I nod and nudge Stormfly forward. A few minutes later we arrive at the cave enterance and Astrid jumps off to lead Stormfly inside. Toothless recognizes us right away. Stormfly lies down and I slide off of her onto the floor. The pain is still extreme and the walls of the cave is spinning. Astrid rushes over to me.
"Hiccup! Oh my gods Hiccup you're scaring me. Which leg is it?" I point to my right leg and grunt in pain. She pulls me over to the back of the cave and sits behind me. She rests my head in her lap and signals for Toothless to shoot a plasma blast in the corner of the cave and the cave lights up. Stormfly lays next to us.
Astrid plays with the hair on my forehead and wipes the rain/sweat off of my face. I moan and squirm in pain.
"Sh-Sh-shhhh it's ok," Astrid comforts me. I missed her voice and the gentle feel of her hands as they play with my hair. The pain starts to subside and we lie there in silence for a while.
"How did you find me?" I whisper.
"Well I honestly have no idea," she laughs as she continues to play with my hair. "Everyone else went back to the village to wait out the storm but I couldn't rest knowing that you were out there somewhere. I flew into the storm but a lightning bolt startled Stormfly and we crashed here. We got split up. I was hopelessly screaming your name into the wind because I just needed you to be here. I don't know what I would've done if I went another day without you. I knew I should've stopped you that day. If I kept you in Berk then this wouldn't have happened." A tear drop falls on my face and I slowly sit up. I take her hands in mine.
"Hey, this was not your fault. You can't blame yourself for something that I chose to do. It was my reckless idea to fly into the storm, not yours, okay?" I lift up her chin so her eyes meet mine. "Okay?" I ask again.
"Okay," she responds. I lean forwards and kiss her forehead, then her nose, and then I connect with her lips. She sighs into my mouth and pulls back to rest her forehead on mine. I suddenly wince as a jolt of pain shoots up my leg, ruining the moment. Astrid pulls back and worriedly stares into my eyes as I try to smile.
"Hiccup, you look horrible."
"Thanks," I mumble.
"Come on, lie back down," she gestures to me and I happily agree. I rest my head back into her lap.
"So, what's your story?" She asks. I tell her how the lightning tore Toothless's wing apart and we crashed here. I told her about how I made these canes to hold me up with my broken leg and then how I found Toothless. I told her about the weird dragon that injected poison into my arm, but it seems like all it does is make the victim pass out in pain so the dragon can make a move.
"Then I found you," I end my story. She smiles and plays with my hair.
"How long has it been?" I ask her.
"15 days Hiccup,"
"15! Wow it didn't feel that long. Probably 'cuz I was passed out most of the time.."
"Nothing! Never mind," I smile to myself.
"How are we going to get off of this island? Toothless can probably fly really slowly in a few days but I don't have anything to make his new tail with. Do you know where we are?"
"I have no clue. The storm confused me and Stormfly."
"Just as I thought," I reply with a sigh.
"But I can find my way back to Berk on Stormfly and bring back supplies. Oh! You must be starving! I have some food in Stormfly's saddle."
My stomach rumbles on cue. I realize that I've been snacking on berries and a loaf of bread I packed in Toothless's saddle so yeah, I'm pretty hungry. Astrid gets me a cold but cooked salmon and a small loaf of bread. I sit up against Stormfly with Astrid and split the loaf in half. I give her one half and eat the other. Then I eat half of the salmon and offer it to Astrid but she refuses so I gesture to Toothless. He wobbles over and lays down by my left side. I toss him the rest of the fish. I lean back against Stormfly and Astrid snuggles up against my side. I kiss her forehead and we fall asleep to the sound of the crazy storm pounding against the cave walls.

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