Chapter 18

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Hyeji's P.O.V

"What the hell Felix Lee!?" I slapped his arm hiding the fact that I was blushing.

"I almost died you shit!"

"Ow! Ow! Sorryy OW! WHY DID U PINCH ME!?"

"It's called revenge Sir." I smiled innocently,drinking my water to save myself from choking.

"I like it,do it again." Felix said looking at me a sinister smile plastered on his face.

I pinched him again,"NOT THAT HYEJI!"

"EH!? You asked me to do it again so i did!!"

"I said do it again calling me sir NOT PINCHING ME! Gosh i think there will be bruises on my hips oww"

I looked at him feeling sorry for pinching,i rubbed his hip to relieve the pain.

"Sorryyy Felix I didnt mean to," I looked at him feeling guilty.

Felix P.O.V

Oh my gosh why is she so cute

"Its okay love you didnt mean to but you need to heal me."

"Wait here i'll get the aid kit-"

I stopped her from walking away, holding her arm.

"No i want you to kiss me to heal me."

Damn Felix Lee youre getting brave day by day great job.

"Excuse me!?"

"You're excused," I smiled at her innocently.

"Youre crazy oh my gosh." She laughed,eyes wandering around not looking at me.

I stared at her,the way her eyes lit up when she laughed,rosy cheeks when she blushed, i didnt realised i was smiling looking at her.

My smile grew as i listen to her cute laugh. Oh i wish to be yours to make you laugh and smile everyday,to love you always.

"Okay everyone!! Let's continue!!"

"Cmon lets go Lix," she unconciously holds my hand,walking towards the set.

I squeezed her hands,turning to look at her,my heart beating fast as i said, "you know,i can imagine us in the future holding hands walking at the park and i actually wanted that to happen."

"Lix we're idols we cant date,if we date our company will get mad at us plus we're gonna receive hate for dating. You know how cruel world is. I dont want you to get death threats just because we date each other unless we keep the relationship a secret. Lets talk about this when the filming is over yeah?"

"Alright sorry i guess you dont want to date me then,sorry for aski-"

"Who said i dont want to date you? I do want to but lets talk about this later." She smiled,making my heartbeats faster.

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