Chapter 4

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Hyeji's P.O.V

We went back to the company.We quickly get in the practice room to practice our choreo.

Jenny suggest us a short performance for the fansign.We agreed since it would be amazing and KAPOWW!!You guys know what I mean right?

"Ok lets practice a bit more,damn that was really tiring," we groaned,tired af."I want my ice cream,we havent bought it yet," Sarah whined,rolling on the floor until she knocked her head on the wall.

I snorted looking at her while shaking my head in disbelieve."Damn im hungry af,I need food.FOOD IS LIFE," I said while holding my grumbling stomach.

"I think we should go home after this.Lets finish practicing this song and after that we go home," Hyeri suggested.We nodded excitedly.

Us,the dance line,made a choreo for our fans.We made it special for them.
We worked on it for 3 days.I know,I know you guys are SHOOK but thats what we do😎😏

We positioned ourself on our spot while the other members sat on the floor to watch our performance,since they havent watch it ;)

(Left:Hyeji Middle:Hyeri Right:Chaesoo)

When we finished our dance,they clapped,scream with their inner dolphin voice.

We sat on the floor tired AGAIN.All we can hear is our heavy breathing.
Quiet enters the room.

"Sooo can we go home now?"Sarah asked looking at Jenny with her gummy smile on her face.

"Yeah lets go im exhausted,"Jenny yawned.

We looked at her and yawned with her.We laughed when we saw Sarah's hella big mouth that could fit a big bowl.(A/n:its true isnt it?😉😏yeoreum0325)

I turned off the lights and went out of the practice room with our stuff.

Time skip~

The next day!!(A/n:ehek sorry im too lazy)

We woke up early at 5 am to practice plus our manager told us to so yeah.

Wait......I forgot that we have a fansign ooooh my gawd.Heh we have fansign at 10 am pfft thats ok we can practice a bit more.

Our manager drove us to the company.

After we arrived,we went inside the company in a rush because we wanted to practice early so if we have a mistake we can redo it again without stopping.

I know it sound awful...isnt it?

Btw i was wearing this:

Btw i was wearing this:

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