Chapter 27

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3rd P.O.V


"PLEASE I SWEAR TO FUCKIN NAEVIS dont you dare scream in my household you idiot!" Jenny yelled at Youngji who slammed Hyeji's door open.

"Jokes on you old lady! I will scream- FUCK HYEJI YOU GOT BACK WITH FELIX WITHOUT TELLING ME?!" Youngji tackled her bestfriend on her bed. "Get off Youngji!!" Hyeji tried to push her but she gave up.

"So tell me how did it happen?" Youngji laid on Hyeji's body looking up at her wiggling her eyebrow.

"Mr. Jang told me to solve our problem- and dude he wants to know about our relationship like slay boyyy"

"Mr. Jang definitely wants to see little nonagons running around the company- i bet you five dollars for that!" Chaesoo raised her hands.

"But seriously how'd you solve it?" Jenny asked sitting down on her chair.

Hyeji told them everything, every detail of what happened and also told them who Jeong Garyeon is, well she expected their reaction to be wild, boy she was right the whole time.

Youngji kept on shaking her body fangirling at how her bestfriend is a sweet person, Yeoreum and Chaesoo having the most confused expression, Hyeri and Sarah won the most amused expression, Han and Soorin with their calm expression as always and Jenny being the mom of the group nodding at every word Hyeji had said, agreeing with everything she had said.

"So thats how it went, i guess it went well." Hyeji lets out a heavy breath, the heavy weight on her shoulder finally got off.

"I mean its good that you and Felix are finally okay like i cant stand listening to Felix wheeping at night when im on a call with Hyunjin-" Chaesoo gasped, her members stared at her with wide eyes. "Y-you and Hyunjin?!"

"MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!!!" Hyeji and Youngji yelled jumping around the room. "Pay me now stupid" Soorin snorted at Han who payed her ten dollars. "I swear im gonna be broke because of you" Han groaned giving her money to Soorin.

"You were betting on me and Hyunjin!?" Chaesoo pointed at Han and Soorin with wide eyes. They shrugged.

"Yeah when i called Seungmin about Felix- i heard him crying about you i swear i felt bad for yelling at him" Yeoreum hissed recalling the memory.

"You and Seungmin!?" Now its Jenny's turn to yell. "AHA PAY NOW LOSER!" Sarah cheered.

"Gosh now i need to pay you- i swear im getting back my revenge on both of you!" Han slammed the bills on Sarah's hand.

"Gosh i swear im the only normal person in this group" Jenny shook her head sighing. "Accept that old lady" Jenny smacked Youngji's head earning a pained yelp from her.

"Anyways im gonna expose our relationship when Jinyoung give us the permission so i'll just wai-" Hyeji's phone rang. "The angel has come- yes Mr. Jang?"

"Hello my favourite- not really but anyways Jinyoung said hes okay with you and Felix dating- since it will like make people forget about that Garyeong? i think thats her name- yeah her rumors" Mr. Jang said as he munched his chips sitting back on his chair.

"Does Felix know about that?" Her members perked at the name Hyeji mentioned. They looked at her, curious about what they were talking about.

"Im sure he does- oh! My favourite drama is playing right now- bye Ji have fun with Felix- oh shit i spilled my coffee" Mr. Jang ended the call.

"Welp that was hectic?" She said looking at her members. "So? What was that about?" Soorin raised her brow at her.

"Oh it was nothing- oh damn my boy is calling- hey lix" she picked up the call. "Hey so uhm Jinyoung told me that we're okay dating-"

"I know that"

"You knew and you didnt tell me!?" He gasped.

"I just knew okay! But anyways wanna go out?" She bit her lips nervously.

"Bang Hyeji is asking me on a date? Damn hell yes!" He yelled, well hes literally jumping on his bed and almost stumbled and break his back.

"Shut up! If you can wait for me at my dorm- is that okay?"

"Anything for my baby" Hyeji choked on her spit. "Say what now? You know what i'll see you later bye!"

"Bye love you bub!"

"Bye love you too!" She whispered but knowimg her members having large ears, they squealed when they heard her whisper.

"Okay shut up! I'll be meeting Felix here so out of my room! I need to change!" She pushes all lf her members out of the room.

"Gosh that was hectic as fuck" she  chuckled and began searching for a casual outfit.


Felix stood in front of her dorm, waiting for her as he played with his phone. He was well dressed, a casual outfit, not too fancy. Hes wearing a white shirt, a light blue flannel on top of it with his favourite black jeans and a pair of sneakers.

He didnt feel like to wear a mask but decided to bring one just in case.


He looks up at the owner of the voice, he was in awestruck staring at his girlfriend as she walks to him with a cute smile on her face.

"Y-you look pretty" he stuttered feeling his cheeks getting warm. He cursed at himself internally for stuttering.

"You dont look bad" she chuckled linking her arm with his.

She was wearing almost the same out as his but instead of black jeans, she decided to wear white jeans. She thanked naevis for letting her wear white jeans when shes not in her period week.

"Off we go!" She pulled him with her. "Where are we going actually?"

"Lets get some icecream shall we?" He walked to her side holding her hand. "Theres this place where they sell the best ice cream i think the name of it was- oh! Chillin' V "

Once they got there, they were instantly got greeted with the cold air and the amazing smell of ice cream.

The customers inside there immediately knew the artists as they were the hot topic when Hyeji exposed her ideal type to the fans.

They sat at an empty table once they have ordered their ice cream.

"We can finally be at peace although we havent exposed our relationship yet" he said eating his ice cream.

"Yeah but who cares anyways- if the fans dont like it then who cares about their opinion- i mean we're also human being. Idols are also human, not a doll that they control or anything, we have our own lives too."

"Yeah- why are we getting serious with this topic- anyways lets have fun today and forget about our job plus Jinyoung and Mr. Jang is okay about it." He said leaning back on his chaur admiring his girlfriend.

"Youre so pretty" he mumbled.

"Please i've heard a lot" she chuckled poking his nose making him scrunched his nose cutely.

"Youre so cute i swear i want to bite your cheeks!" She squealed pinching his cheeks, he laughed at her.

The people inside watches them being a loving cute couple, some were envious how they could be so perfect with each other and some were taking pictures of them. Surely the internet will go crazy from this picture.

Nonetheless the couple enjoys each others company as they went to take walks at the park to playing games at the arcade. They were happy with each other, no problems to think of.


I like Mr. Jang he reminds me of Jangmul from uncanny counter NO SHIT SOMUN LOOKS FINE AS FUCK

Anyways funfact about me is that im almost 20 but when i told everyone that im 20 this year they wont believe that because i look too young to be 20 yrs old I SWEAR

Have a nice day loves!

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