Chapter 13

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Bang Hyeji's P.O.V

We woke up early bcs we need to go to the filming set early. We wore this:

We arrived at the filming set after a few minutes

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We arrived at the filming set after a few minutes. We exited the van and wait at the waiting room(outside the building). Stray Kids arrived 10 minutes after our arrival.

"Hey guys!! After waiting a few million years you guys have arrive!!" Chaesoo clapped her hand lazily.

We chuckled and I kinda snorted a bit making Youngji to smack my head hard but not that hard. "Welp sorry for being late,dont scold us but scold him," I look towards where Hyunjin's finger pointing at.......


"Yeah dont blame us for being late but blame him,he was taking a long time to find some clothes. He said 'i wanna look good for someone okay'" Seungmin tried imitating Felix's hella deep voice.

We talked for 10 minutes before getting ready for the shoot.

Soon they started filming the show.

3rd Person's P.O.V

"Hello!! Its been a long time ey?" Jaeseok greeted everyone at the set full of happiness. "Oh yes it was nice that my view is not Seokjin's face," Seokjin hits Kwangsoo's head.

"Back to our topic--" Jongkook cutted Jaeseok's sentence,"wait theres no topic from the beginning,what are we talking abt actually?"

"Thats why im talking before you cutted me off."

"So we have 2 idol groups from 2 big company as our guest. 1 is from JYP Entertainment and 1 is from Shinerz Entertainment. We welcome Stray Kids and Nonagon!!" Jaeseok welcomed them.

Nonagon and Stray Kids walked together in 2 lines.

"Woah!!! Nonagon!! Wahhhh!!! Wahh!!! Nonagon!!!! I love you!!!" Kwangsoo fanboys with HaHa.

"Stray Kids!!! Wahhh!!!! AUSSIE AUSSIE!!!" Kwangsoo fanboys alone.

Bang Hyeji's P.O.V

We bowed to everyone and went to the middle to introduce ourselves.

"Ne its nice to meet you guys,first Stray Kids introduce yourselves." Jaeseok sunbaenim instructed them.

"Step out! Annyeonghaseyo we are Stray Kids!!" We clapped,then it was our turn.

"1....2....3....Side by side!! Annyeonghaseyo we are Nonagon!!"

We all clapped a bit after our intro before Jaeseok sunbaenim asked us some questions.

"Shall we see their performance for a bit? They have prepared some performance for us," we got into position and did what we had practiced weeks ago.

We did our final touch,Felix holding me by my waist and looking into my eyes. "Wuahh!! That was so cool and awesome!" Kwangsoo sunbae complimented us. "How did u guys do that? That," Somin sunbae tried to imitate our dance,all of us broke into laughters.

"Can u guys introduce yourself? I mean yeah individual," we all nodded. Chan he started first.

"Um can I introduce them while I introduce myself?" Jaeseok sunbae nodded.

"Hello my name is Bang Chan and this is Hyunjin,Felix,Changbin,Lee Know,I.N,Seungmin and Han." Chan pointed at everyone while introducing them.

Then it went silent.....

"Oh is it my turn already? Haha sorry sorry. Hello my name is Jenny and this is Chaesoo, Hyeji, Youngji,Sarah, Yeoreum,Han,Hyeri and Soorin."

We clapped AGAIN.

"Okay I heard from our director that there is 2 pairs of siblings here and 1 member has a sister in group AOA,well we're gonna try and guess."

I looked towards Chan and he looks straight at me,sending signal while making ugly faces.

"Bang Chan and hmm uhh lets see ah yes! Chaesoo!" I silently tried not to laugh,yes Chan tried not to laugh too. Bro isnt that obvious that we're siblings?? Oh god this is kind of funny.

"Uhh.....Hyunjin and Hyeri....yes!! Im sure we've got this right....right?" Sechan sunbae laughed confidently.

We shook our heads left to right signalling them that their answers are wrong.

"Well except for me because I do have a sister here but the others are wrong," Chan told them.

"Well,siblings step infront will ya?" Chan called for us,we looked at each other and stepped infront.

I went beside Chan,Yeoreum went beside Changbin and Youngji went to the middle. Poor Youngji jsjsjsjjsjs

Hello!! How is everyone's quarantine? Boring? Yeah i know and im really sorry for not updating often i tried to update more often but i failed bcs my brain isnt working.

I was trying to find some ideas for the next chapters and I forgot abt this chapter lmao this has been in the drafts for almost 2 months oh my god im really sorry :(

Anyways stay safe and stay healthy!!!!
Stan stray kids and nct(stream punch and ridin)

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