Chapter 32

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3rd P.O.V

Hyeji woke up to the sound of the door opening. Comes in the devil with a gun and a knife, an evil smile plastered on her face as she stares at Hyeji's face, planning on how to torture her until shes satisfied with the art shes about to paint on her perfect body as her canvas.

"Good morning! Did you have a nice sleep? I hope you do because i have a surprise for you!"

"Fuck off......" Hyeji muttered quietly but Garyeon heard her and lets out a fake gasp.

"Hey i was being nice to you just now."

Letting out a harsh sigh as the girl didnt respond to her. "You make everything hard huh"

She slaps her face harshly but Hyeji didnt give her any reaction or cursing at her for being a bitch, instead she stared at her with a blank face.

Silence engulfing them as they stared at each other. Maintaining eye contact as Garyeon steps closer to her, holding her face tightly.


"What? Cant get enough of torturing me? Although you havent started the real event yet? I hope you rot in hell you fucking psycho! You dont deserve to live as a normal person! You're a psycho! What? Cat got your tongue? Cmon Garyeon is this what you prepared before you kidnap me? You're pathetic to even kidnap me without planning on how to torture me! Even i can do better than you! You're just scared to even do anything. You cant even do anything right! You're just wasting your time Garyeon. Youre just waiting for Felix to see that you have tortured his girlfriend right in front of his eyes."

While she was ranting, insulting and adding fuels to her fire, Hyeji tried to untie the rope with the shards she found near her when she fell.

Wasting her time before lunging towards Garyeon, head butting her which made her scream in pain.

"You bitch!"

Hyeji ran towards the door but unfortunately Garyeon had threw her knife at her direction which grazed her arm badly making her scream in pain. Holding onto her arm to stop the blood as she kicks the door open, running away with Garyeon running after her.

"You cant run away from me Hyeji!" She evily laughed with a gun on her right hand. The gun was fully loaded with bullets but she wasted a few trying to shoot at her which ended up grazing a few on Hyeji's body.

"Why are you running away Hyeji? I thought we're bestfriends?! Stop running away Bang Hyeji!!" Yelling as she tried to shoot Hyeji but missed a few centimeters.

"I was never your bestfriend from the start Garyeon! You slept with my boyfriend back in college!" She abruptly stops, breathing heavily, wincing every time she tried to move her left arm.

"You were never a good girlfriend anyways! He wanted me in the first place and now you stole whats mine!"

"Felix was never yours to begin with!" A punch was thrown at Garyeon which made her stumble on her feet.

"Oh so now you're fighting back? Lets see if you manage to stay alive or dead because no one can have Felix. Its either i have him or no one can!" She ran towards her with a knife in her left hand.

Fuck how did she get another knife

Hyeji, without thinking twice, holds onto the blade when Garyeon tried to stab her with the knife. She pushes the knife closer to Hyeji, groaning, Hyeji kicked her on ger shin which made her let go of the knife.

Limping her way to the stairs as she recently figured out she was on the second floor of an abandoned house. Suddenly when she was about to step a foot onto the last step, her body went flying from being pushed by non other than Jeong Garyeon.

She whimpered in pain as she tried to get up but the pain was too much, unfortunately she landed on her injured arm which made it more worse.

Garyeon kicked her stomach repeatedly, crouched down to her level, gripping her hair as she smirked.

"Poor you, Felix didnt arrive early enough to save you huh? Dont worry i'll end your misery by killing you instead of torturing you. Goodbye Bang Hyeji!" She swing the knife to her direction but Hyeji was quick enough to kick her off of her on time before the knife could unalive her.

"You thought i will give up easily? Remember i won when i fought with you during college. Now i will do anything to protect my life, even if i did die, i will never die in the hands of someone like you!" She ran towards her, kicking her in the shin making Garyeon kneel on the ground and kicked her chest sending her flying across the room coughing in pain.

Right on time the front door opened and came in her members, her brother and his members. Felix was the first person to hug her before anyone could come near her. He hugged her tightly muttering 'you're fine', kissing her forehead.

"Finally i found y-"


Hyeji let out a choked gasp as she stared at Felix with a pained smile.

"B-baby? H-hey look at me!" Felix stuttered as he held onto her body as he carefully laid her body on the floor, craddling her body.

"I'm f-fine Lix, y-you're fine."

"N-no no no no no!!" He made an effort to stop the blood from leaking out of her wound. Hyeji holds his face with both of her bloodied hands.

"Im glad youre fine Lix, i love you." Both of her hands dropped from his face to the floor.

"N-no baby! Please wake up! Please no dont leave me!"

Soon the ambulance came to take Hyeji to the hospital while Garyeon was taken by the police not long after she shot Hyeji.

"Hi Felix baby! Arent you happy shes gone? We can be together now- let go of me! Felix baby help me! No- let go of me you fucking bastard!" Garyeon yelled as she was taken by the police.

"Hyeji will be fine Lix, lets just pray and wait. I know her, shes strong." Chan pats his shoulder as he stared at the ambulance at a distance.

"Please please please" he begged, dropping down on his knees as his members stared at him worried and some even teared up.

They havent seen Felix crying as much as this, the last time he cried was when he watched a sad movie, but this time they can literally feel his pain, afraid of losing someone he love and care so much. Hes scared that he might lose Hyeji forever.


Brb crying

Guess who ugly cried while writing this? The author of course. Running man is ending soon

Do u think she will survive?

Soo enemies to lovers fanfic next?

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