Chapter 24

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3rd P.O.V

Yeoreum knocked onto the door impatiently waiting outside with Youngji and Chaesoo. Youngji tried to calm Yeoreum from bursting into the dorm.

The door opened, there stood a confused Felix, his eyes and nose red, seems like he was crying. His eyes widened he saw them, he looked behind them to see if Hyeji had followed them but his hopes went downhill when he didnt see the latter.

"What are you doing here?" Felix asked groggily.

Yeoreum pushed Felix inside, letting herself inside with Chaesoo and Youngji following her.

"Why did you break Hyeji's heart?" Yeoreum asked him sternly. "If you wanted to date her then why did you break her heart? Why didnt you tell Hyeji you were dating someone else!?" She yelled at him.

Felix stood there staring at his feet, "i-i didnt mean to-"

"You knew she loved you with all her heart! She broke down when she saw your picture with a girl kissing!" Felix winced imagining Hyeji's reaction when she saw the picture.

"We trusted you to not break her heart! We didnt oppose of you dating her but you broke her," Chaesoo said to him in a disappointed tone.

"-and you promised to not break her heart, you told us you'll never break her heart but you lied." Chaesoo continued shaking her head.

Bang Chan and his members went out of their room after hearing the ruckus made by them. He saw the member's of his sister standing there with his member standing in front of him head down.

"Whats going on?" Chan asked them.

"Your member here decided to break Hyeji's heart, he knew he had someone else but he decided to date Hyeji at the same time." Yeoreum explained breathing heavily trying to contain her anger.

Chan turned to look at his member.

"Is it true?" He asked walking closer to him

"No! This is ju-" His lips bleed after getting punched by Chan.

"I trusted you! I trusted you to take care of her! But this is what you do!?" Chan grips Felix's shirt shaking his whole body.

"I cant believe you did this to her, why her Felix!" He forcely lets go of his shirt.

Felix just laid there, staring at the ceiling blankly, he was immersed in his thought and too numb to feel the lain on his left cheek.

"I dont want to hear anything from you Felix-" Chan paused for a while, "im disappointed, Lix i really am."

He bursted out of their dorm, god knows where he went. Chaesoo, Yeoreum and Youngji were long gone, they went home when Chan had bursted into anger.


"Hey." He greeted the person.

"Oh Chan what are you doing here?" Jenny let him inside.

"Is Hyeji here? Is she okay?" Jenny sighed and shook her head. "Well not really, shes been crying the whole day, she cant even focus when we're practicing."

Chan sighed, "is she in her room?" Jenny nodded.

"I think you should go to her since youre her brother."

Chan nodded and went to Hyeji's room, knocking on the door, he stood there waiting for a response.

"Hyeji? May i come in?" No response from her.

He pushed the door open and saw his sister laying on her bed, hugging her favourite stuffed toys her fan had given to her.

He slowly and quietly walked inside, trying to stay as quiet as possible, afraid he might wake her up from her slumber.

He took a peak at her face, her face was stained with dried tears. 'i guess she cried before i came here'

He placed the plastic full of Hyeji's favourite dessert on the floor. He took a seat on one of the chair, watching her sister sleeping soundly.

"Im sorry i cant protect you, im sorry i didnt comfort you early, im sorry." He apologised softly, knowing she cant hear him.

He stood up, slowly walking up to her, he sat on the edge of the bed, caressing her hair, sighing.

He stood up and kissed her forehead. "Bye Ji."

He went out of her room, not forgetting to close the door softly. On his way out he bumped into, Han who was eating an ice cream.

"Oh sorry Han." He apologised bowing.

"No worries Chan-"

"Hey uhm if Hyeji woke up please tell her to call me immediately and theres dessert in her room you guys can take some of it, i bought a lot of it."

"Yeah sure- wait Chan," Han holds his arm.

"I think its best if you dont let Felix text or call her for now, shes not in a good state after what happened between her and Felix," Han pats his shoulder.

"I wont let him anyways- plus i wouldnt want someone to hurt my sister twice even if its my member or not, family comes first." Chan said to Han.

"Please if he does wants to meet her- just tell him its not going to work."

"Okay" he said softly before going out of their room.


"Hyeji focus!" Their choreographer scolded her.

"Youre not usually like this what happened to you? I need you to focus!" Hyeji looked down in shame.

"Im sorry."

The choreographer sighed tiredly, "lets have a break for a while."

Hyeji plopped down on the floor, rubbing her face harshly with her hands. She got up and practice again and again, she didnt care if her body was in pain from tripping or whatever.

She groaned when she did a mistake, she slaps herself as a habit if shes stressed or when shes angry at herself.

"Why cant you focus Bang Hyeji!" She whispered-yelled.

Her members cant help but pity her. The leader stood up and went up to her. "Hyeji"

Hyeji stops practicing, she turned to look at her leader. "What?"

"Cmon lets take a rest, we've been practicing non stop, you almost tripped again," Jenny tried to comfort her despite being tired from practicing.

Hyeji nodded and went to sit with them, gulping the water bottle Youngji gave.

"Im sorry guys, its all my fault." She apologised

"Silly its not your fault entirely, its also my fault i did the wrong move too!" Chaesoo said trying to lift up the mood. Which she succeeded, Hyeji smiled, chuckling a bit.

"Lets not think about whats in the past, lets focus on our present okay?" Jenny smiled when her members nodded like an obidient samoyed.

"We can do this! Lets now focus on our comeback okay?" Sarah yelled raising up her fist.

They laughed and did the same action as her. For the first time, Hyeji felt at peace with her members, forgetting about what happened a few days ago.


Oh no Chan found out about Felix and Hyeji hshsjs

Anyways i got really excited writing My Jaegar please i was waiting for the right time to write that and now is the right time hehehehe

Stay tuned for My Jaegar and Jealousy Overtakes!

Have a nice day yeorobunz!

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