Chapter 23

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3rd P.O.V

Members of Nonagon except for Hyeji huddled in a circle trying to see what's on Chaerin's phone.

Hyeji got inside the practice room and saw them huddled in the middle of the room. She puts her bag down and begins to walk to them.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked, making them scurrying trying to hide the content of Chaerin's phone.

"U-uh n-nothing." Yeoreum stuttered looking anywhere except her eyes.

"That doesnt look like nothing Yeo, what is it? Tell me." She raised her eyebrows looking at them.

"Uhm i think you should look at dispatch right now," Chaerin nervously said scratching her head.

Hyeji pulls out her phone and searched for dispatch. The latest news made her drop to the ground, tears lining on her eyes.

The members scurries off to their member hugging her, some were comforting her.

The news shows Felix and another girl kissing.


Our high rising idol,Felix Lee was caught on a date with a non idol at a cafe near Han River. This picture was taken by a 'fansite' this week.

It was believed that the girl claims to be Felix's highschool girlfriend, Jeong Garyeon.

"We were dating since highschool and we still are. We're actually trying to be more secretive but sadly the fansite had caught us."

-Jeong Garyeon

More info? Click the link in our bio

"I cant believe this!" Hyeji cried on one of her member's shoulder. Her members comforts her, trying to ease her cries but she was too heartbroken.

So everything he had said was a lie? I was just a doll to him?!

Hyeji cried and cried until there was no tears left to cry. Her members cant help but just feel pity for her.

Her day went downhill after reading the news. She cant focus during dance practice  or when her members talk to her, all she could think was the news that had been posted by dispatch.

"I dont think i can focus today after-" she cuts herself before standing up. "I need to freshen up for a second." She ran outside to the nearest restroom near their dance practice room.

She washed her face couple of times, taking a breath before releasing it shakily.

"Its okay Hyeji, its not worth it you should just focus your career." She closed her eyes taking a breath.

Her phone keeps on buzzing, she knew he was texting her, spamming her texts trying to make her answer his texts.

Felix kept on calling and texting his girlfriend after Chan told him about the news. When Hyeji didnt reply to any kf his texts, he drops down on the couch groaning in frustration.

"Jeong Garyeon! You crazy bitch!" He slammed his fist on the armrest.

"Felix! Jinyoung called and he wants you there at the company now." His manager said frantically after being called by the CEO.


"So what are you gonna do?" Felix asked looking at him nervously.

"What am i gonna do? What are YOU gonna do?" He asked back leaning on the chair.

"Why didnt you tell me you were dating? You do know if you date anyone whether it be an idol or not, it will ruin your career right?" Felix nodded looking at his hands, nervously fidgeting.

Jinyoung sighed looking at Felix. "I'll fix this mess but you have to meet that girl today."

He nodded before getting up, bowing and left the room. He took out his phone and called Hyeji. After the third ring, she answered.

"What do you want?" Her voice sounded a bit hoarsed.

"Can we meet up?" He asked softly.

"I dont think-"

"Please? Love?" He begged.

"..fine" she ended the call.


Hyeji sat at one of the bench sighing watching the kids running around with happy faces.

"Hyeji..." She doesnt dare to look at the owner of the voice, knowing she would either lash out at him or burst into crying.

He sighed and sat beside Hyeji, she scoot further to the end of the bench not wanting to sit near him. He tried to hold her hand but she moves her hand away.

"Speak now, if you dont have anything to say i'll leave." She was about to stand up but Felix holds her arm stopping her from walking away.

"P-please just listen to me," he begged before continuing. "Please believe me Ji, the news was fake its not what it looks like-"

"Hi baby! You told me to meet you here!"

They looked at the owner of the voice. Felix stood up staring at her. The girl ran and hugged him, she noticed the girl sitting on the bench.

"Who is she?" She looks at Hyeji, judging here.

"Garyeon, what are you doing here!?" Felix pushes her away from him.

"Baby i missed you! I exposed our relationship today! Arent you happy?" Garyeon smiled innocently at him.

"Do i look like im happy? Bad news for you well i dont!" He argued.

She scoffed, "why? Is it because of her?" She pointed at Hyeji.

Hyeji stood up, "I think i should go now, this explains everything dont you ever call or text me, good bye."

She walked away leaving Felix heartbroken and Garyeon smirking in victory.

Hyeji wipes her tears as she walked away to her dorm. Once she had stepped foot in her dorm, she drops down on the floor and cried, hitting her chest with her fist.

"Hyeji! Hey hey its okay! Hes not worth it," Youngji hugged her, calming her.

"I cant believe Felix did that to her," Jenny shook her head in a disappointment.

"I cant believe it as well i thought he loved her?" Soorin sighed looking at Hyeji in pity.

"We all thought he loved her, i think its the best if she avoid him, lets all protect her from now on." Their leader said sighing, she will do all her best to protect her members even if it will hurt her mentally or physically.


Oh no what happened to their relationship?

Thanks to my friend she helped me with this chapter lol

Anyways im working on a new book since yesterday yehet

Have a nice day loves!

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