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Silver sparkles twinkled in the deepest shade of blue painting the sky above the snow coated roof holding heat into the nestled cottage.

A roaring fireplace crackled in the corner of the darkened living room while being one of the only sources of light illuminating the mahogany floorboards.

(Y/n) kept her seated position in the leather cushions of the sofa, sinking between the stuffed sections of material forming the seat. She kept her eyes focused on her fingers, twiddling in her lap as thoughts raced through her mind.

She cornered her attention away from the hustle and bustle of the celebration further through the house - anyone and everyone, generations old and young, had been invited to celebrate this night, the sound of laughter in the air and cheers of joy spilling across the house.

But (Y/n) kept herself isolated in the dimly lit living room, twinkling lights wrapped around the Christmas tree creating a golden aura while the deep red flames of the fireplace crackled to fill the silence.

She patiently waited alone for her boyfriend's return, for he had sped off somewhere further in the many rooms of the unusually large cottage quite a while ago. She began to tug at the edge of her slightly cropped Christmas jumper as her nerves continued to grow, although she made it certain that none of the delicately knitted maroon material came loose.

(Y/n) had never liked surprises, but before leaving, her boyfriend had reassured her that the feeling of mystery was needed for whatever he had planned...

Her paws gripped the edge of the couch and her (f/c) fur sprung to its ends for a second as the sound of rushing footsteps echoed down the staircase. The thuds became louder as they became closer, not even stopping for a greeting to the many other people gathered in the ruckus of the kitchen and dining room.

(Y/n) took a deep breath, turning her (e/c) gaze to see her boyfriend heading for the sofa - something tightly cherished in the grip of both his hands.

Gummy leapt onto the leather seat, the jelly consistency of his butt causing him to bounce a couple times before nestling into the sofa. (Y/n) giggled, always feeling warmer whenever he was around.

And that was the thing; (Y/n) struggled to spend enough quality time with Gummy... as a couple...

Since becoming a couple, (Y/n) noticed how Gummy's calendars had become busier by the day. Being a sensationally famous music artist, Gummy was always needed one way or another, whether it's recording new songs or performing previous hits at concerts...

And that's why (Y/n) had felt so special tonight... because Gummy finally had some time for the two of them...

...especially because it was the evening of Christmas day!

Gummy snuggled up beside his girlfriend, an arm nestled in the pale blue woolly material of his festive jumper flinging around her no longer tense shoulders.

"Ready to see what I've been hiding from you all day?" Gummy smirked, wiggling the relatively small and delicately wrapped gift towards (Y/n).

(Y/n) smiled, booping Gummy before gently taking the gift from his ecstatic grip.

"Sure..." She giggled, feeling more comfortable that the moment of anticipation was almost over.

She carefully began to tug at the festive red paper tightly wrapping the anonymous item inside, Gummy becoming fidgety beside her as he could no longer contain his adrenaline.

The first corner of taped paper slipped free, green fur peeking out from underneath. (Y/n) began to tear the paper a little quicker, curiosity bubbling up inside her as more green fur became visible.

The shade of green seemed close to the shade of Gummy's jelly like body, leading to more interest and a little confusion.

(Y/n) finally reached the final few pieces of wrapping paper, shimmering from the Christmas tree's golden lights as it flopped in the other direction.

Gummy bounced with excitement beside his girlfriend, pure happiness twinkling in his cobalt gaze as he patiently held his reaction back until the gift was revealed.

She gasped as the item underneath the sheets became obvious, a hand covering her open mouth in surprise.

A tiny plush toy remained seated perfectly in her paw, the shape of a perfect bear coated in perfect green fur, a perfect resemblance of her overly excited boyfriend snuggling into her side.

(Y/n) felt a few tears crawling from the corners of her (e/c) eyes, gulping to keep them down.

"It's me... so whenever I can't be around... I'm always here..." Gummy smiled, chin rested on (Y/n)'s shoulder as his azure eyes locked with hers.

She rested her head onto his, the plush of him nestled in her clasped hand to be held close to her heart.

"Thank you, Gummy..." She whispered, struggling to keep the tears back from such a thoughtful gesture.

Gummy smiled, reaching for his phone slouched beside his butt, nestled in the cozy checkered pants that ran down to his bare ankles and toes. He tapped the screen surrounded by glossy cyan, the volume of (Y/n)'s favourite Christmas song increasing as he snuggled back into her side.

A tear jerked from her (e/c) eyes, sliding down her (f/c) nose and dropping onto Gummy's head. She giggled through her tears, gently wiping it off and planting a kiss on his head, before relaxing back into his embrace.

"I love you..."

"Love you, too..."

✩ 𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗜𝗕𝗔𝗥 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 ✩Where stories live. Discover now