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Harmonious chirping of jovial birds filled the break of the day as the melodic sounds awoke (Y/n) from her deep sleep, her body feeling well rested as she flipped herself from her back to her side.

Her (e/c) eyes were open for a few seconds before her vision disappeared back into darkness as she focused her ears on the melodious sounds from the springtime outside.

She could feel the heat spreading across her as sunlight slithered its way through the cracks in her bedroom curtains, begging her to see the new day for herself.

(Y/n) released a yawn, the sensation of warmth tickling her body providing her with the urge to rise from her sleepy position and start the day...

...and from the echoes of movement she could hear from downstairs overlapping the songlilke twitters, she knew her boyfriend was already up.

Her somnolent paws brushed against the carpet as she eventually made her way downstairs, eyes half open as the warmth of sunlight continued to make its way through the windows of the house and spread across her back.

She could make out the sounds of kitchen chores, as if someone was working away in the room that lie just before her as she came to the bottom of the staircase.

"Good morning, (Y/n)!" A cheerful voice happily welcomed her from the depths of the kitchen, although its owner could not yet be seen to (Y/n).

However, she already knew exactly who it belonged to...

Gummy was stood within the kitchen, a pan in one hand and another on his hip proudly. He smiled towards his girlfriend, azure eyes glistening with morning happiness.

(Y/n) smiled back.

"Morning, Gummy..." she replied, sleepily.

Gummy's smile grew, concentration then shifting towards the sizzling batter that filled his pan.

The delicious scent of pancake batter filled the room, (Y/n)'s delicate nose gently sniffing the aroma as the taste she knew was coming tickled her tongue in anticipation.

"Smells good..." (Y/n) added drowsily.

Gummy chuckled, both at her adorable sleepiness and his achievements in baking the most appetising aroma of pancakes his nose had ever encountered. He closed his eyes to absorb the scent as he prepared to perform his first flip.

(Y/n) took a seat against the velvet material creating the crimson cushion in the stool beside the kitchen surface, observing her boyfriend's actions with interest.

Gummy raised the pan a few centimetres upwards, the batter - that had now become wobbly and rather solid instead of sizzling liquid - swirling in the air before landing with a splat back into the pan, although the side now showing continued to hiss.

(Y/n) continued to watch with great attentiveness, paying close attention to every bubble that fizzed within the batter that was now beginning to form the perfect pancake as her nose became gently absorbed into the flavoursome scent.

Gummy happily slid the now completed pancake onto a plate glistening with immaculateness, the sweet aroma continuing to delightfully tickle (Y/n)'s nose as she subconsciously lick her lips.

Her boyfriend chuckled, the pan returning to the kitchen surface from one hand as the other nudged the plate towards his eager girlfriend.

Her (e/c) eyes sparkled in his direction.

"For me?"

"Of course!"

(Y/n) smiled, paws immediately reaching out for the blanket of batter until Gummy brought her to a stop.

"Wait! We need toppings!"

Gummy dashed about the kitchen, fingers brushing the mahogany doors of his cupboards until he located which one his azure eyes had been scanning for.

The door swung open as (Y/n) continued to observe from behind, watching with interest as he brought many bottles, jars and bowls back from his back and forth journeys from the cupboards to the counter.

"Choose one! Or maybe two! Or even three!" Gummy happily offered.

(Y/n) giggled at his adorable excitement, examining her options to dress her pancake as her paws eventually reaching out for a jar of honey and the claws of her other brushed a bowl of strawberries.

"Okie dokie!" Her boyfriend chanted with joy, slipping the lid from the honey jar before sniffing in the sweet aroma of the sugary golden syrup.

He gently took a knife to scoop some honey onto the breakfast dessert, his girlfriend observing with anticipation as she repeatedly licked her lips at the sight.

Gummy finished off the crepe decoration with a pair of strawberries, the crimson fruits delicately soaking into the sparkling golden honey underneath.

A slither of drool escaped (Y/n)'s lips, heat rushing to her cheeks in embarrassment as Gummy began to chuckle with entertainment to indicate he had noticed.

"Sorry..." she nervously replied, her tongue wiping it up as she blushed from humiliation.

"It's okay!" Gummy merrily responded, sliding the plate across the counter even further so the warm breakfast dessert was now just under (Y/n)'s nose.

She closed her (e/c) eyes to absorb the honeyed scent, teeth happily beginning to nibble at its source as she brought it to her mouth.

Her fingers became lightly tickled with heat from the deeply baked batter as her tastebuds tingled from the taste of glistening golden honey and sweetened strawberries.

Gummy chuckled at his girlfriend's indulgence in his happily homemade crepe, the dessert disappearing in moments as (Y/n) gently licked away the dribbles of honey that dripped onto her fingers.

He smiled warmly as she finished her morning meal, noticing another slither of golden honey escaping her lips. He swerved around that kitchen counter, taking a seat against the crimson velvet of the neighbouring stool.

Gummy reached across until his hands met (Y/n)'s, their foreheads eventually connecting as the gap between them became almost non-existent. (Y/n) closed her eyes, feeling at home in his arms as the taste of luscious honey and strawberries remained tingling her tastebuds.

Gummy chuckled once more, their lips meeting for a second - both to not allow the honey trickling down her face not to go to waste and to simply display his affection at this moment in time.

It felt right.

She quickly kissed back before they parted, eyes reopening to see Gummy smiling from ear to ear.

"Do you know why I made this for you today?"

"Not really, why?"

"Because it's pancake day of course!"

"Oh, yes!"

"Do you know why else?"

(Y/n) giggled. "No, why?"

"Because I love you..."

"I love you too..."

A/n - I know I'm a day late but happy pancake day! 🥞 also the Bangaman story I mentioned in the previous part is now up and running if you want to check it out!

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