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Leaves fluttered in the breeze as the strong wind battered the trees surrounding the nearby house. The gale caused whistling to rattle past the residence, a clouded sky watching from above.

The inside of the building wasn't much better - (Y/n) couldn't be any further underneath her fleece blanket, curled up with her knees in her chest against the smooth tan material of the sofa.

Only her pointed (f/c) ears poked out of underneath the sheets, paws gripping an almost empty packet of chocolates close to her chest. Her right paw dug into the bottom of the packet, snatching the final chocolate chunk at the very bottom before eating it fully in only a single bite.

(Y/n) never felt good at 'this time of the month' - always having the dreaded sensation of being beat up or stabbed in the stomach, always feeling like she could throw up at any second...

...and she hated it...

It not only made her feel horrible on the outside, bit also the inside... she always had the urge to sob for five hours straight or sleep through an entire day...

...that's what she'd do before she met Gummy...

At that moment, the door to the otherwise silent room swung open with a bang. It was Gummy - returning from his girlfriend's kitchen with multiple bowls of multiple snacks (mostly sweet stuff, as (Y/n) found them helpful to keep her otherwise uncontrollable emotions steady) stacked in his arms.

He nudged the door with them, quickly heading towards (Y/n) and closing the door with the creamy white heel of his shoe.

(Y/n) smiled under the blanket, rolling over onto her back while minding not to crush her (f/c) tail. Gummy smiled, azure gaze meeting his girlfriend's (e/c) ones as they peeped out from under the blanket.

He smirked as he noticed the countless empty packets of snacks and other foods scattered across the grey carpet of the relatively small living room.

"Still hungry?" Gummy chuckled, slouching onto the couch while spreading out the bowls across the sofa to allow (Y/n) to have a choice.

She nodded with a little embarrassment, raising a claw over the edge of the indigo fur coating the blanket wrapped around her body to point towards some mini cookies.

Gummy chuckled, raising one towards his girlfriend's hidden face, his smile growing as she allowed her mouth to peek over the blanket. She gently took the baked treat in her feline fangs, both paws rising to hold the confectionary as she nibbled at it at great, craving speed back underneath the blanket.

Gummy chuckled once more, enjoying the pleasure sparkling in (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes as she smiled from the sweet taste, the cookie reduced to a few crumbs.

"More?" Gummy smirked, another biscuit approaching his girlfriend's slightly opened smile as she snatched it purely with her teeth.

Crunching soon followed, Gummy's smirk continuing to grow from entrainment. It was like feeding a pet through the bars of a cage...

...and he was weirdly enjoying it...

Seconds later, the baked goodie was nothing but crumbs scattered across (Y/n)'s chest, decorating the grey wool knitted together to create her baggy jumper and some blue-violet fur of the blanket.

She giggled in embarrassment, pink dusting her cheeks as she nervously shook them off while her boyfriend continued to chuckle.

Gummy smirked while gently whipping the blanket from his girlfriend's body, her mess of snack packets and scruffy attire becoming revealed.

His cheeky smile grew, arms reaching towards (Y/n) as she fixed her littered surroundings while rising her slouched position.

She took the hint, gently crawling across the leather cushions to sneak closer to her welcoming boyfriend. She kept her hot (or rather pretty cold) water bottle close to her aching stomach, slouching beside Gummy in complete comfort.

Gummy smiled as an arm wrapped around (Y/n)'s shoulders, the other around her torso until the two joined together behind her back. She smiled back as he snuggled into her shoulder, warmth burning inside like a gently crackling fireplace in enjoyment of his kindly touch.

"Should we watch something?" Gummy asked, azure eyes locking into (e/c) ones in hopes of an answer.

A yawn escaped (Y/n) as she sleepily nodded in response, Gummy eagerly reaching for the remote before activating the television.

"Netflix?" Gummy thought aloud, turning to (Y/n) for a reply as his fingers brushed against the buttons to scan the apps available on the TV.

His exhausted girlfriend nodded, slouching even further into Gummy's side as she slid down the leather seat from fatigue.

Gummy chuckled, browsing the millions of shows and movies available as his cerulean eyes remained fixed onto his sleepy girlfriend while flicking through the options.

(Y/n)'s head remained slumped onto his chest, a hand becoming wrapped around her fluffy head while fingers ran through her (h/c) hair. She became more relaxed; the pain within almost every part of her body fading away with the gentle touch.

"How about... (favourite/movie)?" Gummy smirked, (Y/n)'s droopy eyes staring back up to him with the most enthusiastic nod her exhausted body could provide.

As Gummy clicked play, (Y/n) continued to slouch down, head eventually falling to his lap. Gummy chuckled, blushing a little as he kept his hand wrapped around her head and nestled in her hair.

He kept it holding her head up for as long as he could, before allowing her to use his knees as a jelly green pillow as she drifted off to sleep.

Gummy smiled, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on her cheek, attention leaving the movie completely as he admired her while she slept in his lap.

His ears became delighted to hear the sound of relaxed breaths...

...he could've sworn he also heard purring...

Author's note - I understand that cats don't have periods, but because (Y/n) is anthropomorphic, it doesn't seem as strange to me and it adds to the humanised characteristics... I know some people find this weird describing animals with periods, so I just wanted to clear that up 😉

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