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Melodic chanting of birdsong flew through the springtime breeze. Nothing but sunlight poured across the lawn, making the early morning dew sparkle. Flowers bloomed in their beds and baskets, array of colour gently touched by bees as pollen dusted their fluffy bodies. Butterflies fluttered past the clear blue sky in silence yet beauty.

But (Y/n) could see none of it, paws over her eyes so she couldn't see Gummy prancing about the garden. All she could hear was his high pitched humming overlapping the peaceful sound of birdsong.

She could hear the plastic shells of the toy eggs he was hiding rolling underneath the bushes and within nooks and crannies of the garden, only being able to see him when he cried "finished!"

(Y/n) turned to see Gummy with a mischievous grin across his face, hands behind his back as if he was hiding something else, although he claimed all eggs she had given him to hide had been successfully buried in the depths of the yard.

"I'm not giving any clues!" He chuckled, (Y/n) smiling back as her quest to locate the eggs had begun.

Gummy swung the basket he'd used to keep the eggs while hiding them one by one from behind his back, only with a single hand to make it seem as though he kept something else a secret.

(Y/n) thought nothing else of it and carefully took the basket, a beautiful Easter themed napkin embedded at the bottom and a baby pink ribbon wrapped around the handle, (e/c) eyes now scanning everywhere they could possibly be.

Gummy watched with a cheeky smile, observing joyfully as his girlfriend pulled the leaves of many bushes and trees aside in curiosity. His grin grew every time he heard her achieve her goal, a sweet aha becoming audible.

(Y/n) gently tossed each egg into the basket with a silent clatter from the plastic, a multitude of colours that perfectly fell into the Easter palette from light pink to baby blue collecting quickly.

She counted the amount of plastic shells forming the sign of new life, Gummy observing the sudden confusion crossing her face. He continued to smile as she approached him, claws still brushing the rainbow of eggs to confirm her concern.

"I'm pretty sure I've found them all. But you said they'd be ten, I only have nine."

Gummy chuckled, (Y/n) becoming further befuddled. He twiddled whatever was remaining between his fingers of the hand behind his back, other hand rested on his waist at the wrist.

"That's because..." Gummy began, azure gaze shifting a little to see the glistening wrapper enfolding a hollow egg shaped chocolate he had successfully kept secret until this moment.

(Y/n)'s confused frown became a smile beaming brighter than the morning sunlight dazzling into the depths of the moist lawn that her paws nestled within, Gummy revealing the edible treat.

She carefully took the gesture, a paw tapping Gummy's shoulder as she darted further into the garden with the sweet egg in her grip and the basket now settled in the grass. Gummy smirked, chasing after her until his jelly hand bounced against her back.

"Mine!" (Y/n) shrieked.

Moments later, the two of them became a laughing mess in the lawn, refreshing dew sprinkled over them as their hands continued to batter each other. Gummy almost choked on his giggles, (Y/n) composing herself as the wrapper of the egg became a slither of tinfoil.

She gently snapped it in half, hastily eating a section of hollow tastiness as she handed the other to Gummy. He grinned further, carefully taking it and doing the same, satisfactory flavour delighting his tastebuds.

He ran the fingers of one hand through the soaked strands of vibrant green, the others intertwining with (Y/n)'s hand as the two of them continued to chuckle watching the clouds of the perfectly blue sky drift by.

Gummy turned to (Y/n) at the same time she thought to do the same, the fit of giggles returning as they celebrated in unison.

"Happy Easter!"

A/n - Hopefully I can get back to updating this book more often with more variety than just seasonal oneshots, but until then HAPPY EASTER! 🐇

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