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Amazement swam in the depths of (Y/n)'s mesmerized (e/c) gaze. Astonishment twinkled in her widened pupils as darkness surrounded her. Beaming lights brightened the stage from the opposite side of the blackened curtains - she kept her claws glued to them for her stunned gaze to remain focused on her boyfriend's spellbinding performance.

Gummy had finally convinced his girlfriend to support him in person during one of his many astounding concerts. He agreed for her to nestle in backstage - as the reason she felt too overwhelmed to attend was the ocean of fans consuming every last space surrounding the illuminated stage - which made her the most comfortable.

All (Y/n) could hear, and all she wanted to hear, was the sound of boyfriend's passion in the depths of his voice echoing over the unbeatable melody of the current track projecting through the enormous stadium.

Gummy bounced across the stage, lights flickering to the beat from both the pounding music and the echoes of his feet happily hammering the floor.

As the song came to a close, Gummy sang the final line into the depths of the shimmering silver microphone before slamming it from its perch against the glistening stage to the ground for added effect.

Screams of entertainment and admiration filled the spacious stadium, Gummy smirking with pride towards his many fans before a peace sign ended the first sector of the show.

"Stay sweet, homies!" Gummy cried, his confident smirk remaining spread across his proud face as the uproar of shrieks increased in volume.

His smirk became more of a smile as (Y/n) fell into view, chuckling at her speechless expression as he disappeared

"Well?" Gummy smirked, a hand on a hip as his half-lidded azure gaze remained focused on his astonished girlfriend.

"You're amazing..." (Y/n) finally murmured, blinking multiple times to snap her from spellbound thoughts and back into the just as incredible reality.

Gummy's cheeky smile continued to grow, chuckling as he slowly edged closer. (Y/n) became a flustered mess as he continued to lean closer, hands soon reaching from his hips to around hers.

"Right back at ya..." Gummy continued to smirk, almost entertained by his girlfriend's stuttering and darkened cheeks in response.

However, a bellowing voice broke the almost romantic situation.

"Mr. GB back on in 5, 4..."

(Y/n) sighed at the countdown, although the loss of time felt strangely longer than 5 seconds as Gummy prepared for the remainder of his performance.

"That's my cue..." He sighed, pulling away from (Y/n) with a little disappointment, although the temptation of the screaming crowd pulled him back to the spotlight.

"I paid him extra to call me that, y'know..." Gummy chuckled, not pulling away from (Y/n) although he'd been called on stage.

This left (Y/n) a little concerned - another thought attacking her otherwise perfectly content mind was that she'd get in the way, interrupting the show or distracting her boyfriend like she was doing at this exact moment.

Gummy smirked, providing (Y/n) with a quick kiss on the lips before dashing back into the desire of the illuminated spotlight.

(Y/n) held her hands up to shield her now burning cheeks, her head slowly peeking through the division between backstage and the said stage itself. Her (e/c) gaze became mesmerized once more as her boyfriend cheekily took the microphone in his grip to begin the next song.

Gummy smirked, turning from the roaring crowd to his slightly anxious girlfriend. He chuckled before an announcement.

"This next song will be a tribute to someone very special..." Gummy continued to smirk cheekily, holding a hand out for (Y/n) to emerge.

"Are you sure?" She whispered, nerves bubbling inside her as the sound of entertained screams bounced through the widely open stadium.

Gummy nodded, (Y/n) coming forward at his command, her (f/c) legs and fluffy feline tail still slithered behind the curtain so her face was the only part of her nervous self visible.

"My girlfriend, (Y/n)!" Gummy continued, spinning effortlessly on his heels back to face the uproar of the crowd as the following song began.

(Y/n) quivered at the eyes focused on her from her boyfriend's recognition of her, a nervous smile returning as she anxiously slid back until her (e/c) gaze could only just see through a tiny slit in the blackened curtain.

The following song began: warmth and the delightful feeling of appreciation building up inside (Y/n)...

Gummy continued to swirl on his heels, facing (Y/n) at every line of "I love you", bringing overflowing happiness to his still relatively anxious girlfriend.

She smiled, sighing with pure joy as her eyes couldn't lose focus on the incredible performance as the beat of the track caused the ground to almost vibrate...

"I la la la love you, too..."

A/n - sorry if that wasn't as good as my others haha but I hope you all had a merry Christmas and I hope you also have a happy new year! I will be continuing this book throughout 2022 and my other Gummy x Reader will receive updates regularly too! ✌️

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