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The piercing cold of winter only just merging into spring showered over the still somewhat sun decorated grounds. Rain sparkled in the light as the droplets slithered down the delicate glass after spilling from the cloudy sky.

(Y/n) sighed, clawing at the pane of the window as she observed the blurred view of the street she calls home. Wind whistled between the towering trees surrounding the cozy building, picking up the pace to brush the raindrops aside and against the window with further strength.

Puddles consumed the pathways, the road that usually ran through the street becoming a river as the drains struggled to suck the murky water into them.

(Y/n) watched the view become indistinct, nothing being visible now as it was practically a storm out there - whipping winds accompanied by thundering groans from the black bundles of leaking clouds.

Disappointment caused her heart to sink like the leaves drifting away in the dark distance. Today was supposed to be a special day - a day to spend time with someone very special to (Y/n).

That was when his adorable voice squealed in excitement from behind. (Y/n) smiled as she could only just see him within the beclouded mist of the soaked window pane as his reflection shone against it.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Gummy cried, hands now connected across her stomach as his met her back, chin balanced on her shoulder.

"Yeah..." She chuckled.

"Since we can't go out for our date because of the weather, check this out!" Gummy continued, fingers intertwining with hers as she tugged her into the comfort of her living room.

(Y/n)'s beaming smile grew as she sleepily followed her boyfriend's ecstatic tugs towards what he had constructed while she gloomily gazed into the soaked darkness outside.

As the gentle connection between their fingers released, Gummy headed for the pillows and blankets creating an ocean of comfort across the carpet.

Larger pillows of a peaceful shade of ivory balanced against the delicately painted walling, smaller cushions of a variety of cheerful colours forming a spherical structure.

Sheets of thick silk and velvet created a roof to the bedroom den, as well as coating every inch of the carpet as they unused blankets were tossed to the side.

Gummy held his hands to his hips with pride, scurrying inside seconds later until (Y/n) could no longer see his bare green toes poking out of the sea of silk.

She giggled, crouching down to peek inside - her boyfriend bear snuggled inside with a mountain of packets of multiple snack foods within the comfort of the wall of pillows behind his relaxed back.

He happily patted the seat beside him, fluff from the blanket fluttering into the air at the sudden harsh touch as he stuffed the contents of almost an entire bag of potato chips into his grinning mouth.

(Y/n) wriggled into the comforting darkness, the warmth of Gummy's chest now against the side of her head as he gently caressed her (h/c) hair.

Her (e/c) eyes gently began to flutter closed at the tender touch, nestling into what she believed to be the most comfortable of all the cushions surrounding them.

The warmth of Gummy's chest increased her heart to the same temperature, lengthened sleeves of the (f/c) homely clothing that her body was wrapped in holding up to hide the cerise dusting on her cheeks.

She felt her face heat up further once a kiss met the top of her head, the scenario becoming a reality feeling like a dream, and that the dreadful yearly rainfall of April was fate to allow it to happen.

However, a rumble of ear rattling thunder screamed from the blackness of clouds consuming any light peeping to reveal blue beauty of the sky.

(Y/n) jumped, a tiny shriek escaping her lungs as Gummy leapt into action. He rubbed her back as he felt her quiver, a delicate series of shushing whispers before another kiss to the head.

Gummy balanced his head on top of (Y/n)'s, cerulean gaze flickering into relaxed darkness as he felt her breathing calm and head bury further into his chest.

He opened his eyes moments later, deafening silence raging outside as he pulled the blanket creating the doorway to the den to see the amazement of a crystal clear sky once again.

"(Y/n)..." He whispered, continuing to stare into the blinding brightness of the golden luminance that now poured through the glass of the previously damp window pane.

Gummy smiled as his eyes connected with (Y/n)'s sleeping posture, nothing but relaxation and comfort radiating from her. He continued to gently rub her back, now with both hands as his finger slid away to no longer reveal the springtime illumination.

Gummy's azure orbs remained closed for the rest of the day, a perfect slumber controlling him after the most perfect afternoon with (Y/n) that ever could have imagined...

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