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A/n - this is a continuation of "Roses are red, crocuses are purple" with the same concept of Gummy being around while (Y/n) is studying which I think is a really cute theme. Enjoy!

A sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips once more. A single breath of stress and discomfort that lingered in the air as she stretched out her hands with a whine.

She had been working tirelessly for almost the entire day. She had seen the sun illuminate the sky in the early hours of the morning, until the time it was lowering into the depths of evening darkness.

Throughout all this time she had been sat in the same place; her desk just below the windowsill of her bedroom, what felt like hundreds of sheets of paper fluttering across the surface as the luminescence of her computer screen remained blaring into her face.

The room was quickly becoming consumed by darkness, the sunlight of the summer evening slowly fading as the screen of the technological device grew brighter.

A hand spread across her forehead, massaging to relieve her of the headache she knew to inevitable.

(Y/n) let her pen connect with the desk, fingers brushing the deep mahogany wood to continue the digital aspects of her work.

Pain felt like it began to burn inside her skull, her eyes gently closing as exhaustion seemed to take over her. Her body felt like it began to lose feeling as tingling slid down her legs to her toes from the hours she'd spent within the same seat.

As she came to realisation that she should simply allow her body to fall into slumber at any moment, (Y/n) felt another sensation tickling her waist.

Something that seemed like a medicine to cure the discomfort and strain controlling her body...

Something that healed her in an instant...

Her (e/c) eyes remained closed as the touch became more secure, something wrapping around her waist as another sense touched her shoulder.

She knew immediately who it was.

"Are you done yet?" An adorably high pitched voice whined, a chuckle from (Y/n) being the response.

"Not yet..." she replied sleepily, a yawn confirming just that.

"But I'm lonely..." the voice continued, the sadness flowing through it piercing (Y/n) in the heart.

She understood her boyfriend had been alone for most of the day. He had come over in the early hours of the morning in the hopes for a relaxing few hours together, only to be met with the reality that she was beginning the further steps of her education in the comfort of her own home today. He had remained downstairs to leave her in the peace of concentration.

(Y/n) turned to see Gummy, her cheeky green bear boyfriend. His hands were tightly secured around her waist, fingers intertwining with each other to keep himself in place. His head rested gently on her shoulder, azure gaze immediately locking with hers as she turned to face him.

"I promise I'm almost finished."


Gummy kept himself in this position, not caring about having to keep moving his head so it remained as close to (Y/n)'s as it possibly could. He buried his face into her neck, the warmth of her (f/c) fur keeping him comfortable as he smiled into her cheek.

He could smell the sweet aroma of her hair, the scent of fresh coconut and shea butter relaxing him as his grasp around her waist tightened but remained gentle. Gummy took a long breath out, the sound of (Y/n)'s locks rustling within.

It took him back. It took him back to the evening of their first date. The crisp winter breeze that blew between them. The wind that fluttered the violet crocuses beside them in the depths of the grass. The feeling of their love beginning to form.

It was one of the best nights of his life.

And he knew this feeling could last forever.

He could see a bright future for the two of them together, stood right there before him.

Gummy zoned back into the present, slowly opening his eyes as his girlfriend continued to tap away at the keyboard. He felt her shoulders rise and fall under his chin as she released a final sigh.

A smile slowly crept across his face as the illuminating screen before her slammed shut, the final strips of sunlight of the day becoming the only source of luminance in the room.

"Done." (Y/n) simply stated, smiling towards Gummy as she pushed her stacks of books and notes to the side.

Gummy's grin became a beaming smile, his hands sliding into hers as he gently pulled her from the restrained seat she had spent almost all of her time in today.

She giggled, gently landing in the comfort of her mattress creating the body of the bed that stood behind her desk. The pleasant sensation of the softness of the mattress tickled her back as she slowly rolled over to examine the ceiling, releasing what she hoped to now be the final sigh.

A sigh of relief. A sigh of achievement.

Gummy laid flat out beside her, their fingers remaining intertwined as they could feel each other's bodily warmth transferring between them like the heat of a candle's flame into the air.

"What about your future? What are your plans?" (Y/n) questioned out of the blue.

Gummy sighed, turning to face her. "Well, I'm beginning my plans for a music career. I've always wanted that path. It's who I am..."

He came to a sudden stop, the hand that wasn't in the gentle grip of (Y/n) dug around his side. He eventually pulled out his phone, the neon green device illuminating his face as he used a single thumb to flick across the screen.

(Y/n) observed in confusion, an eyebrow slowly raising as a sound began to fill the room. Gummy turned to her once more with pride swimming through his azure gaze, the sound becoming clearer to be a harmonious melody.

"I've even started recording some songs..."

A/n - you choose the song he's playing! 😉

A smile quickly spread across her face, the voice accompanying the beat becoming obvious to be Gummy's. The sounds tickled her ears with pleasure, eyes remaining connected with his as he brought her closer. His voice could not have suited the beat behind any more, almost like the two sounds were soulmates.

Music continued to flow through the otherwise silent room, their synchronised breathing and heartbeats becoming clearer to hear as they snuggled closer into one another. (Y/n) nestled her head into Gummy's chest as his chin gently perched on top, the comforting feeling of his hands now rubbing her back sending her into a state of pure relaxation.

"It's amazing. You're amazing." She commented, the musical masterpiece and her boyfriend's melodies continuing to leave her in awe.

Gummy chuckled, lips meeting the top of her head for a couple seconds as he felt her shoulders relax. A hand reached over to click down the volume of his phone as (Y/n) disappeared into the peace of slumber, the music fading out to allow her to sleep in silence.

She had been working all day. He knew she needed rest. He kept a cheek against her head, hands continuing to soothe her across her back as he slowly closed his eyes.

"You're amazing too... I see a bright future for you..."

✩ 𝗚𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗜𝗕𝗔𝗥 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 ✩Where stories live. Discover now