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Golden sunlight dusted the previously blue sky as evening fell over the final day of the year. Gummy examined the darkening sky with a little concern filling his azure eyes as his girlfriend anxiously paced the ivory floorboards of his glamorous apartment.

(Y/n)'s sister was planning to stay the night to celebrate the closing of the year and the welcoming of the following. However, (Y/n) commonly appeared anxious whenever family visits approached, so this was no different...

Gummy sighed, slouched against the crimson cushion of his couch with a hand rubbing his forehead in slight distress. He himself was nowhere near as nervous, since he had much more confidence and already had a friend's connection with (Y/n)'s sister from his youth.

"Are they here yet? They said they'd be here by now." (Y/n) mumbled to herself, claws clinking against each other with pure nervousness as the patting of her (f/c) paws came to a stop.

Her thoughts distracted her as she became absorbed in her common family gathering anxiety.

Gummy sighed once more, his crossed legs spreading open as his cobalt gaze became locked on his girlfriend. Her (e/c) eyes met his - she smirked as she took his cheeky hint. Gummy smirked back as (Y/n) nestled between his legs dangling over the sofa's velvet cushion.

Gummy chuckled, arms wrapping around his girlfriend's waist and head balancing on her tense shoulders. He smiled into her fluffy cheek, the pounding sound of her heartbeat becoming in sync with his own as she relaxed.

"See... what's there to worry about?" Gummy asked rhetorically.

(Y/n) sighed, paws brushing over her boyfriend's hands connected between the (f/c) fur of her stomach.

"I don't know... family gatherings have just always made me nervous... the anticipation... and my horrendous social skills during them... I just never know what to say..." (Y/n) admitted.

"I'm sure you'll be fine... and if I need to, I'll do the talking. And besides, this is the first time you've met up with Kala since we became a thing..." Gummy added, reassurance touching his tone.

"It's also the first time we've met up since she had her baby..." was the thought flowing in her mind, knocking the feeling of comfort down as she became more nervous about having a small child nearby...

She wasn't good with family visits, and she certainly didn't feel comfortable in the company of young children... although she'd seen so many adorable photos of her niece and she was craving to meet her in real life...

(Y/n) smiled, her boyfriend's grip around her waist loosening as she released a deep breath in an attempt to keep her mind and contradicting thoughts. Her (e/c) eyes snapped back open as a knock echoed through the room.

"They're here!" She cried, sliding from the comfortable grip of Gummy as she shot to the door.

(Y/n) took another deep breath, paw handling the golden sphere securing the door to be closed while sharp claws nervously dug into the shiny material.

The door soon swung open, an almost fake smile painted across (Y/n)'s face to allow her sibling to feel a sense of welcoming into her sister's boyfriend's apartment.

"SIS!" Kala screamed in excitement, arms flinging around (Y/n)'s tense shoulders.

(Y/n) slowly wrapped her arms around Kala, nervousness flushing away a little as she became more comfortable. She had an unbreakable connection with her sister, and she didn't want it to snap because of her unbelievable social skills...

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