Getting kidnapped by Jack Sparrow.

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I fanned my face, cooling it. Commodore Norrington's promotion ceremony had been hot and quite boring, to be honest, and now we were on to the luncheon. I immediatly went over to Elizabeth, who was just standing there. I noticed her breathing heavily; but I figured it was the heat. The ridiculous puce dress I was wearing wasnt helping much, either, as it was of a heavy wool with lace cuffs stretching from my elbows to my wrists. As me and Elizabeth sat down and chatted, many young men came over to speak with me. One naive lad let it slip that my mum sent him over here. I let him know that I wasnt interested the most gently.

Internally, I groaned. One young man after the other came by to try to win me with a smile, each one more ghastly than the next. I didn't want one of these; overly educated men that never worked a day in their lives. I wanted someone who worked for what he wanted, like a merchant, carpenter, or a blacksmith. Someone who had something to offer besides political opinions and a smart arsed comment once in a while.

All the while, Elizabeth struggled for breath, and as her gasping increased, so did my concern. thats when I noticed that her waist was signifigantly smaller than normal.

"Elizabeth, are you wearing a corset?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well of course she is, my dear. Elizabeth is a representitive of England; she should dress as such." my mother orated. I glared up at her, wishing I could rip out her throat. She'd gotten to Weatherby Swann, I just knew it, and convinced him that wearing a corset was a good thing for his daughter. But as far as I was concerned (and I knew Elizabeth was convinced the same way I was) that corsets did not improve ones figure at all; it just made it that much harder to breathe. And clearly, Elizabeth was having that problem.

"Was it laced tight?" I asked her, and she nodded. I scowled. "Your maids should know that you dont just tighten a corset to its full tightness on the first day; you loosen it a bit at first. It isn't healthy."

"So says the girl who never wears her corset properly laced in the first place." my mother bit back.

"For a reason!" I said, my temper flaring. "I loosen my corset strings on the principle that it will suffocate me before it helps me!" suddenly, there was a voice behind me. "Elizabeth, may I have a moment?" all of us turned around at the same time, to stare at Governor Swann as he gazed upon my friend who was desperatly running out of air. She nodded, taking his arm and walking away.

"Well, now that Miss Swann is gone, I have to introduce you to someone else-"

"Good day, Mrs. Adams. Miss Adams." I groaned softly at the voice behind me. I forced myself to turn around.

"Capitan Gregorson, what a pleasure." I said through my teeth. He smiled meanacingly at me, and I cringed. He was just under the rank of a commodore, only second to Norrington. And it was a well known fact the he fancied me (If the look he was giving my chest was any indication). I crossed my arms, turning to look for someone (anyone, for that matter) to have a conversation with.

"Excuse me." I said, but my forearm was taken tightly in Capitan Gregorson's hand. His eyes were hard.

"Don't be difficult and stay." my glare was terrifying.

"Whatever you have to say, say it now." I hissed. His very presence seemed to piss me off, partly because he was such a small minded person. And the other part was just because he was an arse.

"Felicity, that was rude! Apologize." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't apologize for what I'm not sorry for."

"Felicty!" he held up his hand.

"Don't worry, I find that temper of hers attractive." he laughed. I narrowed my eyes. "But in any matter, I have a proposition for you, ma'am." I took a slight sip of my tea. "I would love to have Miss Felicity's hand in marriage." I spat it out, shocked and angry.

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now