Bit of a life story.

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At the mention of the nickname, I had him by the throat at the wall. His eyebrows were up by his hairline.

"don't ever call me that. Or this-" I grabbed a dagger I had found in a drawer from my belt, and imbedding it in the wall next to his face. "will not just be in a wall." I released his throat as I sauntered back to my earlier seat. His shock was evident.


"again, mr sparrow, you underestimate me. Not the best choice, that." he gulped visibly, sitting back down.

"sorry?" I just glared.

" do you not remember out conversation from last night, sir? I hate being wealthy. All I was was a pawn in my parents stupid games for power."

"I see. But even so, how does a girl of your background come by that many scars?" my glared solidified, and he almost cringed, but that grimace twisted into a malicious smirk.

"how many times must I tell you that that is private?" I spat.

"at least once more, darling." he drawled, looking away in a bored fashion. I stood, fed up and angry.

"fine." I said, undoing the buttons on my top and ripping it off in fury. Left in my pants and brassier, I turned around, hearing sparrow gasp as I pulled my hair away from my back.

"fine." I repeated roughly. "you want to know what happened to ne, captain sparrow? Well then say hello to every scar that I earned myself."

Every inch of my back is covered in scars, laid there by my family's hand. They criss crossed, some of them lighter, some of them raised, thick lines, and some of them just scabbing over. When I glanced to his face, he was intently staring, his glance burning into my eyes. A variety of emotions flashed across his face. Anger, sadness, concern.I looked back at the door, my anger fading slightly, turning into despair.

"felicity... What happened to you..?" I grimaced as his finger ran down one of the newer additions to my collection. I chose to answer indirectly.

"the most evil and foul people in the world are those who deceive others into thinking they are loved, and then drawing back their hand of friendship." I said, pulling my shirt back on.

"what happened?" I scoffed.

"is it not obvious? Ever since i was a child, I've wanted to be myself, be who I am. Do you think my parents liked that?" it dawned on him, and I glared. "yes, jack, even wealthy children get beaten too." he gulped back disgust.

"a- and your neck?" I laughed bitterly.

"I was refusing to let my maids lace my corset. My mother was in such a rage that she threw a carving knife at my throat. It almost killed me. Had I turned any slower, it would have sliced open my jugular." I buttoned the shirt up. "

"I get the feeling you haven't told this to many people." my face softened.

"no, not even will. Or Elizabeth."

"then why tell me?" my gaze hardened into stone again.

"I was being rash, as usual. Now, if you please, I shall take my leave." his hand was heavy on my shoulder as I turned away.

"and yet you still see fit to want to know more, mmm? Well, I'll tell you. Every god forsaken stripe on my back was laid there by my father, mother, or younger sister (although she had no choice in the matter, it was either that or receive the same fate) because I was too fucking independent for my lifestyle. My own parents tried to beat the sense into me, and if their true intentions were to kill me, they nearly succeeded seven or eight times. That is what you are really dealing with. Not just a dumb little rich girl, one with actually history rather than just a bloodline." I looked him in the eyes, flicking my fiery out of the way. "savvy?" I mocked, standing and moving for the door to my quarters.

"that's not all I wanted to talk to you about." I looked back.

"indeed?" he nodded, and I just motioned for him to follow me to my quarters.

"y'know, eventually we're going to have a full crew, and i'll be needin yer stateroom." I fixed my harsh gaze on him.

"ah, I'm being kicked out, aren't I?" he shook his head.

"not by any means, darling. But we may have to share." I nodded gtently, desperatly trying to calm my temper.

"Very well, sir. Is there anything else?" he nodded.

"I would also like to apologize for taking you against your will." i stared at him in shock. from my spot on my bed, i gestured fro him to sit.

"Continue." he grinned.

"I just figured; You're a girl, a pretty one at that-"

"Watch it!" he chuckled.

"anyways, i figure that both of your kidnappings weren't  the best of ideas." i suprised him with my chuckles.

"i except your apology for the first; for the second you needn't have bothered." i said, getting up from my seat.

"I hope we'll be getting along a little better, now." Jack said. i laughed.

"In your dreams, captain sparrow."

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now