Yeah, thanks for knocking me out, William.

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I woke up in the morning, the storm having finally passed. I hopped out of bed, slipping my books and sword belt on from where they were lying on the floor, pulling my hair back into a braided bun and securing it tightly with my hair ribbon. If there was going to be bloodshed today, I would need my hair to be out of the way, pirates fought dirty. I set my teeth, walking out on deck.

"Miss Adams, I don’t believe I called you." I rolled my eyes.

"The storms past, captain. I just wanted some fresh air. Why send me to bed when I should have been helping the rest of the crew?" I muttered the last part. He narrowed his eyes.

"I didn’t need to run the risk of our strongest fighter getting injured, or worse, falling overboard. Well, as long as you've disobeyed orders, hold my compass." I did, annoyed, as Gibbs ordered the crew around as quartermaster.

"How long until we reach the isle, captain?" he eyed me.

"We should be seeing her and her cove on the horizon in minutes, and hearing the lad up in the crow’s nest yelling-"

"LAND HO!" jack furrowed his brow.

"Yes, that."

"NO, LAND HO!" jack turned straight to the left, and there she was, with a dense cloud of eerie fog covering her. I glanced over the rail, and shuddered. Boats that had sunken decades ago rising in the water while hammerheads swam. Jack sailed carefully in closer, shaking his compass and setting it back into my hand, where the arrow continued to point straight at me. Seemingly perturbed, he closed it indefinitely and sailed straight for the island. He looked down at Gibbs and will, who were deep in conversation, and furrowed his brow.

"Hold 'er steady, will you lass?" he asked, and as he asked, I took the helm, feeling somewhat important.

"Weigh anchor!" jack called after several minutes. He looked back at me.

"You can let go now, your good." I nodded coming to stand beside jack.

"-human hair. From my back." he muttered to will and Gibbs. "Now, young Miss Adams, Mister Turner, and I will go ashore. Watch my ship, Gibbs." he nodded.

"Aye, captain. But what if the worst should happen?" jack looked him in the eye.

"Keep to the code." he nodded.

"Aye, the code." he muttered something into Gibbs's ear, who nodded. Jack smiled, his yellowing bad boy smile growing. His hand found mine, and led me to the boat.

"Ladies first." he said, letting go as I sprung over the railing, flipping and sticking my landing in the rowboat. Both jack and will rolled their eyes will groan.

"Bloody showoff." I grinned.

"I know!" Jack climbed in next, will following. It was silent as we rowed toward the shore, the whole island having a strange, weird, eerie feeling to it. I looked around somewhat apprehensively as we entered a cave, which almost reeked of death and curses. Full skeletons decorated the watery tunnel, giving me the death vibe once more. I bi my lip at the images.

"What code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?" Sparrow sighed, looking almost sadly at me.

"Pirate's Code. Every man who falls behind is left behind." I shivered as will continued talking.

"No heroes amongst thieves, huh?" jack grinned maliciously at me. When will say that.

"Y'know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to becoming one. You sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a pirate crew out of Tortuga-"

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now