Sleepover turned Pirate Attack.

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Commodore Norrington separated from Elizabeth and me promptly after escorting me out of the blacksmith shop. Although on the outside I appeared a little shaken (I was; at least a little) but in all honesty, a pirate visit was a rarity here, and very thrilling. Being kidnapped (I thought this later) would probably not be all that bad of a thing altogether.  I had some freedom that way; and at the very least a new battle to fight.

Elizabeth and I spoke very little on the way back to my home. I cleared my throat.



“You’re alright? That was a nasty fall you took.” She smiled at me warmly.

“You would be the one to ask me that; you’re the girl who was kidnapped and nearly killed by a pirate today.” I chuckled.

“Would your father object to me staying at your house for a few nights? I don’t really fancy the storm my mother is going to cook up over this business.” Her smiled grew, her teeth showing now.

“We’d be delighted to have you, Miss Adams.”


Elizabeth and I lay back on her bed, enjoying the stories of her maids. They were delightful creatures, widowed mothers (mostly) with the most adorable small children in the world. Elizabeth and I giggled over one of the tales, just as the clock struck nine. The older woman smiled warmly at us.

“Miss Swann, Miss Adams, I do believe it’s time to settle down for bed.” I nodded, exhausted. Elizabeth had had a near death experience; I had been threatened by a notorious pirate, and then kidnapped by said pirate. Something I still couldn’t figure out. Why had that pirate taken me? It offered no personal gain for him. Any sort of ransom could be a trap; I was a virgin, and someone who would most likely have annoyed him with my constant, fiery passions. I wasn’t pretty, either. Although Elizabeth would disagree. 

I looked into the mirror at my face, Pale as a full moon, my brown eyes shining against my thick, red hair. My figure wasn’t perfect; and a corset didn’t make much of a difference either. Instead of thin and pale like Elizabeth’s hands, mine were rough with calluses, rounded and capable looking. I was very short, as well. I suspect that the corset stunted my growth.

“What a day it’s been for you both.”

“Very trying.” Elizabeth mumbled.

“Proposals of marriage to the both of you, Miss Swann’s fainting spell, and all of Miss Adams’s adventures. Fancy that, and neither of you worse for the wear.” I smiled, but my mood sobered.

“If William Turner hadn’t been there, then I might be much worse for the wear. “Something in my head clicked, and I grinned evilly. “Elizabeth, if it isn’t too bold to say, I was speaking to young Turner several mornings ago, and he might have taken a fancy to a certain Miss Swann.” She glared at me, throwing her pillow at my face.

“That is too bold.” I grinned mischievously at her, and slipped off of her bed and into my own, across the room. The maids blew out the candles, and the room was plunged into darkness.

“Sweet dreams, Miss Swann.”

“Sweet dreams, Miss Adams.” We laughed quietly, before we fell into a fast, deep sleep.

Boom! BOOM! BOOM!!!

I shot up from my sleep, cannon fire waking me. I jumped out of my bed, rummaging through my clothes to find my boots, shirt, and trousers, grabbing my sword belt and sheath out of the bag as well. Cannon fire only meant one thing in Port Royal.

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now