Wait, I'm first mate?

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"Ello, lass." a stocky man witha beard said. "Who be you? Jack never mentioned a woman abord."

"She was asleep." Jack said. "And she be my first mate." my eyes popped out of my head. he made me first mate? recovering from my shock quickly, i held out my hand to the man.

"Felicity Adams, pleasant to meet you." he took my hand, shaking it.

"likewise, the name's Joshamee Gibbs. You must be a real impressive girl if you're Sparrow's first mate." he added. my cheeks went slightly pink.

"Err... thank you." i retracted my hand. will behind me, we made our way up to the line of people.

"attention!" Gibbs called. "lads, meet your captain an' his lovely first mate. And here they are, sir. Every man worth his salt, and crazy to boot."

"this is your able bodied crew?" will asked in disbelief. Jack smiled, before regaining his serious look. He walked down the line, before stopping at a man with a talking parrot and a white beard.

"you, sailor!"

"cotton, sir." Gibbs introduced.

"mr cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?" jack asked. When he made no reply, he spoke up.

"Cotton! Answer, man!" Gibbs spoke up from jack's side.

"he's a mute, sir, the poor devil had his tongue cut out, so he trained the parrot to talk for 'im. No ones yet figured how." cotton opened his mouth, exposting his stump of a tongue. I bit my own at the sight of it.

Jack looked at the parrot.

"mr cottons...parrot. Same question." the parrot squawked.

"wind in the dails! Wind in the sails!" jack turned to Gibbs for translation. 

"mostly we figure that means yes." 

Jack grinned as he turned to look over my shoulder at will.

"of course it does! satisfied?" will shook his head.

"well, you've proven they're mad."

"and what's the benefit for us?" a feminine voice called out from down the line. Jack walked down the dock, to see a woman with a broad hat covering her face. Jack smiled.

"Anamaria." her hand connected with is face, sending him backwards. I turned away from him, descending into a fit of silent laughter. I barely heard the conversation, only hearing that hack was going to eventually make Anamaria captain of the interceptor. I stood straight,

Now. Looking at the crew. Anamaria's sharp eyes caught my own.

"and who's the red haired lass?" I stepped up.

"I'm jack's first mate, Felicity Adams." she looked at me.

"are you sure about her, cap'n? She looks kind of... Frail." I grit my teeth, my temper rising.

"she isn't a pirate, no, but the lass is the best person on the ocean with a blade, that I've no doubt of." I fingered my sword grip from where the blade sat on my left hip. The girls dark eyes narrowed.

"might I test her?" as soon as she said test, my sword was out of its sheath and had sliced a thick part of the brim of her hat straight off without even ruffling her dress. She felt at her head, astonished. Jack chuckled.

"now, I wouldn't do that, dearie. Little ms Adams has a temper of sorts. it's Best not to tempt her as such." my eyes flicked to his.

"might I speak for myself, Captain?"

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now