Trouble and tortuga.

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That evening, I sat at the railing on the main deck, watching the world go by. The moon was full and beautiful, casting a silvery glow on the gentle waves of the Caribbean sea. I stared out onto the horizon, in deep thought about what I would do after the voyage ended (if I was still alive after all of this). I stiffened as I acknowledged a presence behind me.

"alright, lass?" Jack's voice rang behind me.

"Fine, thank you Captain." when his presence did not retreat, I broke the fragile silence. "Shouldn't you be at the helm, captain sparrow?"

"Aye, but I've young Turner holding her steady." I didn't reply. "So what trobles you, darling?" I spun to meet his confused glance.

"None of your business, Jack."

"Technically, as your captain, I've a right to know." I bit my lip, turning back to the swirling waters.

"Personal matters."

"Personal matters of what sort?" I sniffed, annoyed.

"That is to bold of a question for me to answer. However..." I shook my head, deciding to give him a taste of my thoughts; it might make him go away. "Mr Sparrow, have you ever felt trapped in your own skin?" he chuckled at my choice if words.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Did you ever feel like so many people were trying to hold you down, but your soul was bursting forth?" his silence made me suspect a no. I chuckled sarcastically.

"I find, now, that I'm free." I stood up, hands clutching the balcony. "it's an odd feeling for me, knowing that I don't have to return. I control myself now. It's incredible and confusing and stressful at the same time."

"Why do you say that?" I chuckled.

"Ever since I was very small, I was forced to comply with these dastardly things called rules, I'm sure you've heard of them. Ones that bound me into a society that I never wished to be a part of."

"And that would be?" I scoffed. As if he didn't know.

"The elite. What satisfaction have you if you own a sword, but did not see it made, or helped with its forming? Did you ever stop to wonder what it would take to make your own shoes, not just buying them? I see an intense amount of satisfaction in knowing that you made something rather than having your beloved, rich daddy buy it for you. That's just superfluous." I explained. "I've felt that way for a long time. I don't want to just have a life where I don't work for anything. Work is fulfilling, hard sometimes, yes, but satisfying for my soul." I touched the hilt of my sword.

"For example, I helped to make this sword. I made it mine. And now it works better for me than any other would." I stroked my personal crest, which I'd engraved on the pommel of the sword. I chuckled at myself, moving down the railing, feeling my diamond earring's back poke into my skin. In annoyance, I pulled the jewelry out of my ear, throwing it into the sea.

Removing the ribbon from my hair, I squeezed my eyes closed as my hands brushed up against one of the scars deeply imprinted upon my back. Gifts from my mum. The painful memories brought back by those marks began to swirl through my head, and unintentional tears began to streak down my face.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." he scoffed from behind me.

"Tell that to the tears, love. You were lying before, you're lying now." I wiped the evidence of it all off of my cheeks.

"I'm fine!"

"And a third lie. You know, Miss Adams, I could keelhaul you for that." I smirked beneath the faint wetness on my cheeks.

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now